View Full Version : Will this ever end

08-24-2012, 11:21 AM
Have been suffering from anxiety for 3 years some days I feel like I have no future I just got married and my wife and I want to have kids but I can't drive alone or be alone without freaking out,. I know my wife loves me very much but I don't know how long she can put up with this I feel like I am wearing her down I just want this to Stop I can't take feeling like a child anymore I am constantly on everyone around me schedule so I can make sure I won't be alone. I know I am rambling I just need to vent this is driving me crazy I just want it to stop

08-24-2012, 11:58 AM

1. Please go speak to your family Dr asap.
2. 3 years is a very long time to be in this condition without assistance.
3. Freaking out will wear on your new wife if this continues to build, and build...Anxiety is hard to shake once its rooted for this long friend.
4. A good Dr. can get you on something to at least get you stableized and then you're most definately going to need to see a therapist after this period of time. Probably every week for awhile to help re-train the brain bruh..

Depression coupled with anxiety can tear a person apart but you have to make the move, make this happen, and take the first steps because no ones going to come to you...You gotta go to them friend. At least go for your wife and future kids..


08-24-2012, 12:02 PM
I have spoken to many drs and ism currently on meds I just don't think they are the right ones, I tried speaking to a therapist and I didn't help I just feel lost

08-24-2012, 12:14 PM
I saw a dr and I am currently on meds, I am just afraid to take that step and start facing my issues

08-24-2012, 01:29 PM
I agree with everything that was said by Endo...