View Full Version : This is helping me!

08-22-2005, 04:23 PM
I know some of you have been faced with problems of people not understanding your condition. And that has to be really hard. But I think awareness of these kind of disorders is much better than it used to be. When I am feeling anxious around someone, I just tell them! And they seem to be very accepting, and my anxiety lessens. I told my neighboor last week about my condition, she always pops by and gives me a panic attack. She was very understanding, and said she would help me out.

I am so proud of myself because last weekend, she and I went to get peaches to make a peach pie, a cemetary to take pictures, and a library to take pictures of their garden. All things I have wanted to do, but couldn't on my own. I did not take any drugs or drink and I was OKAY! I felt I was okay because she knew about my problem, and I didn't have the anxiety of having an anxiety attack and having to hide it from her, which only makes the anxiety worse!

I think telling people that I am close to actually helps rather than hurts. They are not judgemental, and always seem to be really helpful and concerned.

08-23-2005, 06:56 AM
Bridgie, thats great that you are able to do that. Its pretty hard to admit to people what is wrong with you, but I have also noticed when I've done it it can make things easier. I've told a couple of teachers at college about it, and they both worked with me to help get through the class without causing me to have panic attacks.

I do believe since its becoming a more known condition that more people are willing to accept it rather than think of it as a personal weakness or character flaw. On the other hand, the stigma of mental disorders is still very prevalent in society, and I'm afraid that telling the wrong people can have negative results... so I'm still a little leery about it at times.

08-25-2005, 08:52 PM
hi there bridgie. first and foremost i am glad that your friend is able to understand what you are going through. anxiety and panic attacks are no joke. i can honestly say that right now i don't think i have a friend that understands. i feel like they look at me as a freak or just somebody who is going crazy. believe me, i'm not. it's hard for people to understand what they don't have.

10-29-2005, 10:44 PM
Bridgie, that is a good idea. I finally got the courage to tell my boyfriend and explain to him in details about my anxiety/panic disorder. I was so surprised and relieved how understanding he has been with me. I even told him that, for the time being or until I get professional help, I want to keep myself from situations that will increase my anxiety and panic. He agreed with me and he usually waits in lines for me (since I can't do it myself), orders take out food all the time so that I don't have to torture myself in a restaurant, etc. etc. I think it has helped me alot to admit this to him bc how i do not feel the extra pressure and anxiety.

Shoe, I was thinking of telling my college professors as well. I have been an excellent student and always bright and enthusiastic. However, lately, I feel my professors are noticing my lack of participation and attention. I walk out of every class at least 3 times during an hour course. My performance has decreased greatly and my grades as well. How did you approach your professors? What did you tell him and what did you keep to yourself. I am going to PM you in case you do not read this again today.


10-30-2005, 05:51 AM
i think it would be usefull to tell your lecturers. I have done 2 years of university now...and a hell of a lot of exams...and my anxity has definatly effected my performance in exams...i cant concentrate on the exam as Im worried about having a panic attack...but I know of some people who take the exams in a less intense environment...and im not sure about ur situation but that may be usefull to you.