View Full Version : fuming and come to unload... some one tell me if im over reacting?

08-24-2012, 08:56 AM
Got up this morning, having a pretty good day, decided im gunna get my son a quail.. then my 'partner' decides he wants to get the baby a turtle.. yep a 15 pound turtle, didnt bother me in the slightest, caught the bus for an hour to get to my dads house, the whole way my partner was telling my son about this turtle, even i got excited...
gets to my dads house, what happens? 'oh i cant afford it now'...... what? he cant afford a 15 pound turtle? why tell my son then? so i sat and fumed.
this is the best bit... couldnt afford a 15 pound turtle yeah? he gets my dad to take him to some cds, he spends 35 fucking quid on a load of idiot cds he could have downloaded for nothing! i fumed even more.
then he tells my dad (who he owes 50 quid) that hes getting drunk tonight at his brothers and only has money left for his beer.
oh yes. that set me off.
not only has he been a selfish bastard today, but hes been living with me for about 3 months, and for 3 months ive paid for everything, gas, electric, shopping.. in his defence he has give me about 15 quid towards 2 weeks worth of shopping.
ive just blown.
Ive told him to pack his stuff and get the f**k out my house.
Am I Right?
and if anyones wondering, yes i got my son the quail i promised him and had to tell him his dad has no money for the turtle HE promised him.
sorry i know this isnt anxiety related but i am actually THAT mad.

08-24-2012, 09:03 AM
Yes. This is RIGHT! Worthless, disregarding, ungreatful, disrespectful, unsympathetic, immoral, liabliity, moron with his head stuck in his own sphincter hole. Immature and taking advantage of you none the less...tell him to peel his stanky undies off the wall and get the f**k out because he has the IQ of a rectum!...LMAO!..



08-24-2012, 09:03 AM
Too right girl, no offence but your fella sounds like a bit of a dick!

08-24-2012, 09:17 AM
YA THINK?...S**t you'd be better of with a ficus tree! At least it'll do something useful!!!...(1) CHRONIC STRESS TRIGGER GONE, KEEP GOING YER ALMOST THERE!!!

Elbert The Dumba** Barbarian Viking Man. :)

08-24-2012, 09:38 AM
YES I do think

08-24-2012, 10:55 AM
Well I'm glad yous have said that! I'm not as mad now.. He's making a huge show of packing his stuff -_- knob. His side of the story will be 'she kicked me out just because I bought some cds' grrrrrrr. Starting to hate men..

08-24-2012, 11:06 AM
I admire your strength :)

08-24-2012, 11:40 AM
Gone :) house feels calmer already, I'm not strong! LOL fighting the urge to crawl to bed to cry for a few days.. Not going to though -_- I'm still to mad lol he even had cheek to show me up infront of my dad! Saying 'look how mads she's getting over a turtle, she pathetic' if I was a violent person I'd have punched him, I don't care about the f**king turtle I care about the fact u let my son down! I just told him to stop acting like he's got an audience and he wasn't going to get a round of appalause everytime he spoke about me like I wasn't there -_- bastard. Hmmm just me and babba now.

08-24-2012, 12:07 PM
Aww I use the word baba :) my other half is depressed today :( meh

08-24-2012, 12:13 PM
Aww no why? (Like u don't have enough problems lol)

08-24-2012, 12:19 PM
He suffers with depression he has good days and bad day I guess today is just a bad day. Just sucks cos there's nothing I can do.
How are you holding up?

08-24-2012, 12:21 PM
You will be fine, i was on my own with my son from when he was 9 mths im now married with two more kids and my hubby is a brilliant step dad to my son, it will all work out in the end its just this bit thats the shity part!


08-24-2012, 12:25 PM
He was the easiest "read" of a personality I ever did!!! It only took 9 words to figure out he's an idiot and I have seen "Mr. Potato Head" toys here that are smarter then that dumba**!!! ...LMAO!!! No, yer not going to crawl into bed and cry either..Cry over what?..The fact that you just told a (slackjawwed, knuckle draggin, heirlip, booger eatin, cheap, lying, no good, rotten, foreflushing, lowlife, snakelicking, dirteating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorent, bloodsucking, dogkissing, brainless, d**kless, hopeless, heartless, fata**, bugeyed, spottylipped, stifflegged, wormheaded, sack a monkeys**t he is) you should be greatful!!! YAY!


Merry Christmas.
Enduring Man...:)

08-24-2012, 12:47 PM
LOL ur msg made me laugh my strange friend! LOL I'm just a bit stressed I wanna cry over my life! Get some stress out.. Not him -_- he's not gunna be crying over me (not for a few days anyway LOL) I hate selfish people, how can u choose a load of cds over a 2 year old innocent little boy? I had to tell him that his daddy had no money left aswell, he just stared at me, looked at his quail and didn't mention it again. Really fucking upsetting. For that reason I will not cry over the waste of space that upset my baby. The only thing I'm upset about is having no company. I have no one to bloody talk to! Everyone in my life is to pre-occupied with themselves.. Probably the reason I chose to rant on here and not to an actual person? Oh well. College soon, I'll make new friends lol (always look on the bright side eh?) LOL

08-24-2012, 12:55 PM
Go camilla! lol. Bet he's kicking himself now

08-24-2012, 01:14 PM
It was supposed to make you laugh!! It ISN'T a loss it is a GAIN!! Get rid of unecessary baggage! (1 chronic stressor out)..Anxiety will start to ease! YAY! Goodluck "Doughboy"! LOL!

Eplurb Man...:)

08-24-2012, 01:24 PM
LOL!! I hope ur right! I'm starting to feel better already LOL (actually still laughing over doughboy that's gunna be my new word LOL) and jhunter89 he's not guna even be bothered till his money runs out.. About 2 days time? By then I'll still be seething about the selfish git so if he comes near me he's gunna know about it! LOL

08-24-2012, 01:26 PM
Wow! Good riddance then! Stay strong sista. LOLz!

08-24-2012, 01:31 PM
LOL!! I will try! LOL