View Full Version : chest pains

08-23-2012, 09:32 PM
Right now I am having a pain in my chest on the left side by my breast like to left of the sternum . I don't know what it is but I did kinda have a stressful day today. And even if its to the left could it be indigestion.

08-23-2012, 10:14 PM
dazza was telling me about this other disorder thing (non life threatening)

but you get pain under your left breast and left armpit. hope that helps

08-24-2012, 06:15 AM
Just another one of anxietys tricky pain transmitters causing sensory pain perceptions in of course..the chest area, which causes the "OMG I'm having a heart attack" thoughts..You're not, you'll be fine.


08-24-2012, 07:06 PM
Thanks guys :) message me sometime

08-25-2012, 03:11 AM
Ooooh, not this old chestnut again...


I want to hear new, exciting and even more hideous symptoms please!
I want to hear of people's skin turning flourescent green... growing a third arm or x-ray vision. YEAHHH!

If you smoke, then the lungs are constantly trying to clean themselves - this causes pain through the excess mucous on the lung walls.
If you sit slumped over a computer for hours on end each day, your bent posture can cause pain.
Excess adrenalin in the chest wall/pectoral muscles causes tension / pain.
Tension in response to anxiousness or fear causes a natural pain in the chest.
There is a condition related to the sternum called COSTOCHONDRITIS. Basically an inflamation around it.