View Full Version : Tonight sucks

08-23-2012, 05:57 PM
Ugh, so I am sitting at my sons football practice relaxing for once, and my stupid anxiety has taken over. I have a little bit of heartburn and am tired and all I can do is go into full panic mode. Why can't I just ever have an anxiety free day???

08-23-2012, 06:09 PM
Because people with (high anxiety) don't generally perform well at events that involve sports, contact, roughness, possible injury, being hit, slammed to the ground, gettin run over by a 218 pound NoseGaurd, ....I know. I had run out on to fields and courts before. Get the "anxiety" calmed before you attend anything like that especially when it involves family. Take a sedative, xanax, something to "lower the tension and stress" before you go..Hint from an old anxiety Veteran.

Enduronman. :)

08-23-2012, 09:03 PM
Your probably right, watching my 9yr old slam into other kids 10-20lbs heavier then him full force and without fear could have played a huge role in my internal meltdown at the field tonight.

08-23-2012, 10:15 PM
I play Ice hockey, very competitive league. (Jr. league, pretty much like minor league baseball) my mother doesnt have anxiety anymore, but whenever i check (hit) someone, she cringes