View Full Version : Eating habbits

08-23-2012, 01:40 PM
Ive noticed recently I'm nauseous every single day! Before i feel hunger i feel very nauseous, my mum says its because i don't eat often enough. I can believe that because i tend to only eat when my stomach is rumbling, so i basically starve myself till I'm really hungry. When i do eat its not a lot, i could used to be able to eat a whole pizza to myself, now i can only just manage half at a push.
I was just wondering if anyone feels nausea before feeling hungry, or if its something i really should go to the doctors for.

08-23-2012, 03:55 PM
Dear AnnaLea,

I was compelled to visit your profile to see what was the most discussed topic of your replies and threads. It is obvious to me what that is now. There is a pattern although be it somewhat short with only 23 total post. I will tell you that out of all the people that I read about on here daily, you are one of a few that I have real concerns about and let me explain why. First off, many of us here have many different disorders, conditions, and even disease like I do. Secondly, out of all of these people, forum members, visitors, a large majority of us are not really in some sort of health or life threatening circumstances although some of us will post as if we are but we're really not, we just tend to "think" that we are. Thirdly, the issue that you make mention of is truly discerning to me because out of all the things you read here, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, this disorder that you have will take you to places that you're not going to wish to go, and neither is yer Mum. I personally have an over-abundance of disorders and conditions yet none of them will deprive my mind and body of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, or restrict my diet in any way. If you think about this for a moment, tis food, calories, proteins, carbs, fats, and everything that those carry with them that provides you with life. Nothing will work correctly without a proper diet, your mind, organs, body...nothing. Before I continue typing other words that I truly wish to in order to tell you where you will end up, I'm going to stop..
That was hard for me to do..but I did it.

Yes, this is something that you should really go to the Doctors for and allow yer Mum to take you there asap.


08-23-2012, 04:32 PM
I know i really do need to eat and i really do want to but its just hard.
I have issues with my body, people make comments on my appearance, the world that we live in we are told not to eat this and not to eat that, OCD, emet etc.
I think i might going to the doctors for anti-nausea medication, yes i am picky with my food sometimes but the nausea is making me starve myself completely. I have a fear of vomiting so having nausea before i feel hungry really doesn't help with that. Also, its not anxiety nausea i experience, it just drains me and reduces me to tears, being alone and just lying in bed. I was perfectly fine with my eating till this nausea came around, now i just avoid eating just so i don't have to curl up in bed for an 1 hour and a half each time.

08-23-2012, 06:18 PM
You must go to a Dr. You're nauseated and feel like vomiting because you're creating the "perfect environment" for this to happen yourself. The behaviors in regard to your diet or lack therof is what is causing the whole issue to unfold and its not because of your digestive systems Anna, it is because of your mind, thought, brain...No Dr is going to give anyone anti-nausea medications if they don't eat food. Sorry to be so blunt, but that is fact. You've gotta get this disorder under your own control before they force feed you through an IV in a local hospital. Thats what I wanted to leave out earlier, but your reluctance to understand what I had suggested previously forced that sentence to be typed...It isn't going to just go away Anna, let yer Mum take you to the Dr. asap and he can get you the proper medications for the mind adjustment and also to increase appetite too..

Sorry, but this is your only option Anna. I think you choose life..


08-25-2012, 01:36 PM
I knew you were Hinting on the IV drip, I've been anorexic before, its not as bad as last time and never went on a drip the first time round :)
Its kind of something i need to here to scare me into eating (terrified of needles and having one sat in my hand, makes my skin crawl)
I do eat, i just struggle sometimes.
i love my food, taste, smells and appearance, i love all of that! Its just the nausea that out weighs the deliciousness of food.
Im riding out the nausea at the moment, i do eat everyday now and I'm increasing my portions, I'm not starving myself! Im starting to get used to the nausea, i do hate it but i feel its easier to handle and the time of nausea has decreased.
The reason why I'm seeing if i can ride it out is because i have the contraceptive implant and to balance my hormones, I've recently been put on the mini pill, it says it can trigger nausea. Sorry to be gross but its around the time of the dreaded monthly menace, that means more hormones, lucky me!
However, if its not cleared up by next week i am making an appointment and i am also going to speak to my therapist about this :)


08-26-2012, 03:55 AM
As you provided me with advice here is mine for you. Ask your doctor for buccastem. I suffered badly with vomitting when i first became ill october last year. They have my buccastem which i have on repeat prescription. You just place between your upper lip and gum. I. The nausea is bad you can take two. They dissolve straight into your blood stream.

Although the nausea wont completely go away the tablets stop you from actually being sick.

You need lots of snacks instead of trying full on meals. I lost over a stone and my weight dropped to 7st 2. After realising how bad it had got I have put in 6lb in less than 4 weeks.

You need to see your gp. Mine used shock tactics which I desperately needed to help me to break the cycle with my food issues.

You can beat this but first you need to accept help


08-26-2012, 04:53 AM
Thank you missrkm!
I will bear this in mind next week :D