View Full Version : Still without diagnosis?

08-23-2012, 12:31 PM
Hello All,

I'm new here, so I apologize if this issue has been brought up already. I'm just wondering if it's common to still be undiagnosed after a year or so of off-and-on treatment. My symptoms started becoming unmanageable just over a year ago, around March of 2011 (in my first year of college). I had just entered a bad relationship, and I developed a pretty severe depression with a couple suicide attempts.

I've been depression-free for about 8 months now, but unfortunately the depression seems to have been replaced with anxiety. I had my first panic attack about a week after my December finals were over this past year, and since then my anxiety has been much worse than before. I'm having pretty constant anxiety, limited-symptom panic attacks about once every other week, and derealization which has gotten progressively worse over the past month.

I've seen about 4 different mental health professionals. Two psychs, one social worker, and a psychiatrist, whom I saw for about 4 months for weekly CBT. I'm currently seeing a new therapist to work through the anxiety. I'm a bit concerned that there hasn't been an attempt to reach a diagnosis yet, but maybe this is normal.

Has anyone else had a similar experience, or have any advice to share?

Thank you in advance.

08-23-2012, 01:49 PM
4 different PROFESSIONALS! ...ggrrrr... I will return, IED just kicked in so I'm going to go tear my doors off my entire home..

Abit concerned that their all retarded professionals with MEDICAL DEGREES!!!

Yes...this is what the Medical Profession deems as NORMAL..

Not mad or threatening you PsychStudent...just frustrated by words on a screen...

I'll be back shortly!

08-23-2012, 03:17 PM
Hello Psych,

I'm going to have to suggest that you demand some sort of explanations, answers, and also get some prescribed medications before this becomes progressively worse and as you stated "unmanageable" because that word won't even come close to what you'll certainly feel if left untreated. There is only so much that therapist, Psych's can do to help one to "alter" manifested perceptions, visions, and thoughts within ones own mind..The mind/brain is the most complex part of our entire system and function as human, our own personal computer that sometimes needs adjusted or tweeked abit. Go see an actual Dr. that can get a plan for a medicational approach in place for you to alleviate or relieve this anxiety because it becomes much deeper rooted into your mind and body..

Best wishes to you,
Enduronman.. :) (no, I didnt tear anything apart..I just took a break.)

08-23-2012, 04:44 PM
It sounds like you do have a diagnosis- depression/anxiety. Being labelled though is never very helpful so really sometimes a diagnosis is not necessary (depending of course on the situation). You know you have depression and anxiety so what you need to do now is work on alleviating the symptoms through medication and therapy. I have suffered with depression and anxiety for many years now (although I have only had a few really bad episodes) and I was desperate for some sort of reason for it, like a diagnosis or bipolar or personality disorder or one of these conditions that you hear so much about. I just wanted to know what was wrong and why. But over the years I have come to accept that I have what I have, I am who I am and I need to work on the depression/anxiety and keeping it a bay rather than searching for another diagnosis.