View Full Version : Just dont know what to do... Help

08-22-2012, 08:26 PM
Hi guys first I would like to say hello.My name is Steven and I am 20. I am new to this site and i have been trying to avoid going back to forums but nothing is helping me along with the doctors and i am trying to see what others have had success with. I have been suffering from anxiety/ocd so the doctor says for well the past ten months have been horrible. I find my daily life to just be in motion without me totally there if that makes any sense. I have the hardest time getting out of bed in the morning because i just think i am mentally exhausted. Then when i get to work i have the hardest time staying focused on what someone is saying or whta i am doing. Like today for instance was horrible i spent the last three hours of my day just freaking out over absolutely nothing to the point were i had to hold in the tears because i wanted to cry for NO REASON! it is so annoying and i dont understand it. It is destroying my home life and my work ethic. I just want to not care about anything at all and just enjoy the simple things in life like being able to drive and not being handicap but i feel i am so messed up and nothing has helped me at all. I have been on the following medications with no positive benefits- Paxil,Prozac,Zoloft,Luvox Cr, and currently he has me on Perphenazine/Amitriptyline(going on 4 weeks) and Xanax Xr 1 mg (ive been taking almost 5 months). And not one of the Medications has helped the current medication Perphenazine/Amitriptyline has made me so crabby and more anxious and i thought it was just me not giving it a chance but i think i have gave it enough time and havve a call into my doctor about it but just dont know what to do about it anymore part of me just wants to drop all the medicine all together =( i just need some positive comments and help. I want to stop taking the Xanax because i dont want to become addicted to it but it is the only thing i can say has helped a little but the Perphenazine/Amitriptyline and all the other medications i have tried seem to break through it after awhile anyways.....UGhhhhh just so stressed with it all. I also have a lot of physical symptoms like Head Pressure, Stiff Neck, Visual Distrubances, Dizziness, no appetite really but eat anyways.... Someone Please Help Me out here... Do i try natural herbs does nayone have sucess with those after no sucess with medications..... Thanks Steven =)

08-22-2012, 08:45 PM
Don't worry about the Xanax. As long as you arnt abusing it the doctor can always ween you down at a later date. As far as meds talk to your doctor about Effexor xr. It helped me for ten years before it wasnt effective anymore. I have panic disorder and depression and I still believe cognitive therapy is the most helpful things to the anxiety afflicted. More so than any pill IMO.
Hang in there.

08-22-2012, 09:11 PM
Hey Steven,

Don't get down on yerself friend, I've been here too. I see alot of things in your forum post, you're persistent, relentless, searching for answers. You came to the right place dude. Getting the type of assistance or relief from Dr's can be a difficult task to say the least. Generally, they will do as they're doing with you and that is throw this, toss that, try this, start over..It's frustrating as hell as it seems no one can pinpoint the real issues or cause of the mental disturbances to begin with and there are many number of reasons for that as well. One is, they've never been where you are. That by far is one of the most daunting facts and challenges. Second is, they don't have time to get to the foundational sources of these troubleing issues either. Third is, alot of them just don't care and that is not their fault, it is caused by the influx and inflow of people with so many differing issues and troubles. They simply can't help in many, many cases and I've seen more here in a month then I ever even knew existed. I also saw much of the same on some other forums regarding (autoimmune) system disorders and diseases that people live with year after year..Believe it or not, I was BANNED from those very sites and sent emails from the (Commanders) of those sites also. They simply stated "You're too strong and we must let you go". I and my wife both knew what they meant, I knew too much that was NOT to be shared, told, taught, or learned about their diseases because it would get into the Specialist pockets..$$$$'s is what it was about.. I learned more about these diseases then the actual Specialist, Rheumatologist, Doctors in 90 days then they learned in 6years of medical school and could explain it ALL in great detail. I threatened their very existence, their livelihood, their profession as a whole. Tis but a $$$ making machine, go here, go there, get this test, get that test, have that Dr read it..only to get a different interpretation from another..Around and around they all went..Chasing their tails because they knew no better, and would merely listen to what the guy with the Degree or Plaque on the wall would say as if he were speaking gospel...It sickens me..it frustrated me, it angered me...

So, that being said, I am here and am welcome to share what I know from experience, life, studies, research and believe I can help and have helped many so they don't feel like cattle but like a real person, with a real issue. It'll be a pleasure to work with you, as you asked. I will "Help you out here"...and it will happen not in months or years,,..days.

See you here tomorrow to find the "source"...Yes, I'm always typing about something called "The Anxiety Matrix"...it is much the same as that movie dictates. There is a "Creator", a "Source", an "Oracle" and a reason for all of it, a purpose..a meaning..and yes I type in riddle because that's how I find "them"..


08-22-2012, 10:19 PM
Hi Steven,

I've just recently been diagnosed with GAD, after numerous visits to the ER think I had a heart attack. Now I have a tremendous amount of medical bills to pay on top of moving into a new apartment tomorrow, it scares the shit out of me! I also am a little OCD, and my boyfriend isn't the cleanest person in the world so I'm scared to move in with him; even though he has promised to be a clean nazi like me. I just think of the future an how I'm going to pay rent and bills and school loans, it also doesn't help that my uni won't release my transcript so I can return to school till I pay off the 5G I owe them, cest la vie, right? I'm on clanazepam, 1mg twice a day, it's ok, but I, like you don't want to be dependent on them. I've tried breathing exercises, calming oils, meditation, and nothing really seemed to bring me down when I think I'm having a episode. However one of my friends dragged me to hot yoga one day, and now I'm hooked, not only is it relieving my stress but it's teaching me how to relax better. I'm not saying go out and do yoga, but don't give up, explore all the options. I really hope the both of us get better! Best of luck Steven!

08-26-2012, 09:41 AM
Hey guys sorry it has been a busy week for me this week just now getting back on. But fry hole what about the Efferox Xr is so different did you try other medications prior to taking this one? i am just so stressed with it all and dont knw were to go with it anymore. Its been going for a good 10 months now and really no help. And Enduronman it is so stressful all of this that is going on for no reason at all it makes my everyday life a pain in the ass and it just all makes no sense. Dennisvance what medications have you tried and do u still take anything for your anxiety i need to find something to help! sorry to be short guys have to go to work just wanted to continue conversation and get more input thanks eberyone! =)