View Full Version : Should I keep taking AD's.

08-22-2012, 04:34 PM
So I've been taking AD's over 6 months now... and I don't think they work any more for me, I just take it each morning but it doesn't seem to have any effect on me, and I wonder what kind of negative effects long term taking of ADs can create to my brain... What should I do? Im very confused and still anxious..

08-22-2012, 05:03 PM
Hello Skizo,

Yer name is awesome! Hi, I'm a Skizo too!..Your post is somewhat "rare" to read by the fact that you report (NO) effects? Most people here are reporting every effect under the sun. In your case, to really get to the correct answer of your question, then I would need know where you were 6 months ago? Was that place deep, dark, desparaging, scary, lazy, sleepy, lethargic, I think you get the point? Basically, are you in a better frame of mind now? As far as duration, period, length of time on AD's then that merely depends upon the individual themselves as some may need it for months, some years, yet it all depends on how "it allowed you to view the world around you"?...That is the purpose, reason, design of these medications. To open a new "world"..Get it?...

Can you help me to understand the confused and anxious part abit better?..


08-22-2012, 05:28 PM
basically difficulty to concentrate physically. dizziness, tiredness, etc.... and i can't concentrate on any single thing if i look at it, my eyes cannot focus properly.. People don't seem to understand that I can't focus my sight basically...

Also feeling distant and surreal. I don't seem to be experiencing life clearly and vividly anymore.

08-22-2012, 05:38 PM
That is a side effect of those types of medications also. Are all of these symptoms listed above what you are experiencing now after 6 months on an AD?..EESSHH! What is the name of this product and also if this is how you're feeling after 6 months then I would suspect that this is not the medication that fits your needs and a newly scheduled visit to your Dr would be suggested prior to stopping any AD after this period of time also as a "cold turkey" may just leave you on the floor feeling like a "cold turkey" if you know what I mean?... Was anything ever actually prescribed for anxiety or just depression?...

08-27-2012, 08:21 PM
Man what is this Dizziness / unable to concentrate /focus my eyes........ its been over 6 months now and its extremely frustrating.... im sick of it... it varies in strenght but its pretty much constant :((( i dont know what to do anymore

08-27-2012, 08:29 PM
Whenever I try to concentrate my eyes, I feel tense and start twitching....

08-27-2012, 09:28 PM
Definitely talk to your doc about this- 6 months is a long time to not be feeling anything other than that spacey feeling.
At some point you also have to question whether you were better off without the meds. Sometimes you end up taking them to fight one issue and create three more. It's something you'll have to weigh, but absolutely talk to your MD first. Good luck!

08-28-2012, 04:15 PM
What do you think about this feeling which I am describing? - being unable to concentrate and focus my eyes (sight) ... whenever I try to concentrate I will start twitching.... Also I feel kind of surreal and not fresh...

it varies in strength, from nearly normal to the point of real dizziness.

08-29-2012, 05:42 AM

08-29-2012, 06:52 AM
You should be able to find an AD with the help of your doc that helps you(a pdoc would be best if a GP can't help that much). It may "peak out" but it won't truly "stop working" totally. It is possible you don't get enough benefit from any AD to justify staying on it. Some patients just never find a great fit even via TCA's or SNRI's. Out of imipirimine, prozac, zoloft, celexa and lexapro, I just do best on prozac. That's just me.

08-29-2012, 09:39 AM
I dont wanna go down with all these AD's im frustrated and tired of it.... Can somebody please explain the feeling which I described?

I feel like my life is over.

08-29-2012, 02:11 PM
I want someone to explain this feeling what do you think this is?

08-29-2012, 02:15 PM
Someone answer this guy jeez!

08-29-2012, 04:27 PM
It is said that AD's don't necessarily stop working... but rather, depression progresses and outgrows the AD which makes it FEEL like it no longer works.

This is not a good state, since it may force you to keep increasing the dose in order to get the benefit.

Side effects of AD's are wide & varied but, for most brands they include blurred vision and shaking.

At this point I'd be more scared of the drug(s) than the underlying depression and/or anxiety - and I would seek professional, cognetive help instead of ramming more pills down my throat.

If you couple side effects with anxiety derealization then this would easily explain your symptoms.

08-29-2012, 05:29 PM
Are you sure there is no permanent damage I have caused to the brain by taking this AD for over 6 months? Im scared that I might have fucked up my brain chemistry forever...

Im so tired and sick of it...god help me.

08-29-2012, 05:42 PM
If you've been taking the prescribed amount and there is no other significant influence (alcohol, previous long-term usage of meds, drugs, underlying illness etc.) then you should be ok.

I can't tell you that... only a GP can.

Recommend you get yourself down the quacks ASAP... just to be sure.

Also recommend finding alternative ways to fight your condition, other than meds.
Easy for me to say but important for you to do.

>god help me.
I don't believe in god therefore I don't see the point in this plea.

That aside, sometimes only WE can help ourselves. Hard but true fact.

08-29-2012, 05:45 PM
My eyesight is blurry and I get dizzy as well.. I to have no idea what it's from .. I talked to a doctor about it and she told me to go to an eye doctor but I don't believe that's what it is. Sometimes my vision is okay when I'm not thinking about my anxiety and when I do think about it I can barely see shit or concentrate.. It's so fucked and I feel like everything's over for me to. I don't know what the answer is to all of this but just know you're not alone..

08-29-2012, 05:48 PM
What is GP?

Also it's not simply the eye sight, I often get twitches as well....

And I am socially so unstable, sometimes I feel so mentally tired that I can't communicate at all....

And I've been taking a pretty small amount of AD's , one pill of 10mg cipralex a day.

08-29-2012, 05:52 PM
Sorry, GP = General Practitioner in the UK = medical doctor.

What sort of twitches? like ticks? where abouts?

Have you had your blood checked recently? (fasting bloods, like for diabetes, etc.)

08-29-2012, 05:54 PM
Twitches all over my body... like ticks I guess yea..

And my blood was checked a year ago and all was good there.

And my MD looks insane... he is like a stereotypical nutty professor.... And I don't trust him.

08-29-2012, 06:00 PM
Twitches are most likely an aggitated nervous system. Do they feel like nerves or muscles? or can't you tell?

Look for natural vitamins to help calm the nervous system, like Potassium, calcium and B-12.
You could help with the potassium and eat shed loads of bananas. For calcium - milk is the obvious one.
B-12; shellfish, poultry, beef and eggs

08-29-2012, 06:04 PM
Skizo's doc...


08-29-2012, 06:15 PM
That's about right actually. My doc wears a white cape, glasses, and has googly eyes.

08-29-2012, 06:20 PM
Twitches are most likely an aggitated nervous system. Do they feel like nerves or muscles? or can't you tell?

I can't really tell... I guess more like muscles, but they do seem kind of controllable, and only happen when I'm trying to concentrate, when I am in a more relaxed state the twitches don't happen.