View Full Version : Tingling/twitching in head!!

08-22-2012, 01:38 PM
Hey I think this is an anxiety symptom. I just felt this weird tingling or twitching on the right side of my head. It is really scary me because it feels tender on the side now. I feel this tingling/twitching on both sides of head, but it's usually the right. Does anyone else experience this also, my cheek bone/eyebrow feel tense on the right side. I need help this symptom really scares me!!!

08-22-2012, 01:52 PM
Its called (neuropathy)..Nerves..tingle, twitch,...It's a by-product of high anxiety. I used to have the same thing. Uncontrollable twitching and especially around an eye and above. Eyebrow would twitch when I'd get slightly ticked off. Everyone thought I was going to snap and chop everyone in half with a sword..This is nothing to be scared of. Just get your "I'm fixing to kick yer a** Mr. Anxiety" plans in order..First stop, your family Dr.!


08-22-2012, 02:19 PM
Thanks, I also find myself clenching my teeth and jaws I try hard to try and relax my jaws but I can't

08-22-2012, 02:22 PM
Yes,..yet another symptom is clarified. Would you like to know what else is going to happen?...It appears that you're in the early stages. It gets way more creepy if you let "it" take control of you..Put a plan of attack together and get out while you can, asap!


08-22-2012, 02:48 PM
Thanks this is all so new to me, I just developed anxiety (self diagnosed) a few months ago in May, when I had an panic attack, I thought I was dying(having a heart attack/stroke. I'm going into my sophomore year in college and I feel like anxiety is ruining my life. I never been to a doctor cause Im scared I have some terrible illness. I get new symptoms every few weeks and it drives me nuts!

08-22-2012, 03:03 PM
1. Read my newest post.
2. Go to a Dr. ASAP!
3. There is NO critical or vital illness to find!..It is anxiety pulling the black hood over your head!
4. If you ignore this, it will eat you alive..the new symptoms will not stop, ever.
5. Not trying to scare you, but if you strike "IT" now,...you'll survive. Trust me..I am a Battlefield Veteran with many medals yet these medals are worthless. EXCEPT..

when these words are shared with people like you. Thats when these medals become significant...Please go to the Dr. asap.


08-22-2012, 04:55 PM
Thanks, I will make a doctor's appt.

08-22-2012, 05:06 PM
Great decision! I'm proud of you..Hit "IT" before it crushes you...

God Bless!
