View Full Version : day 3.. progress :D

08-22-2012, 10:52 AM
Well after convincing myself I was going to lose my leg last night, got to the doctors and it turns out I've had an allergic reaction to the bite (never had an allergic reaction to anything!!) Anyway that's sumat less to worry about.. And.. Are you ready for this? My appointment for CBT about my eating has been brought forward! So instead of waiiting 6 weeks to see someone I have to wait.. 7 days! Wooo!
Also when they checked my depression score its gone down 4! So I've done something right :D although she did tell me I'm not allowed to go gym because its to dangerous .. Bit upsetting but I haven't been for a week anyway.. Would like to exercise my stresses away!
Another good thing? Sending my provisional off tomorrow so driving lessons soon! Shoulda sent it off yesterday but couldn't be bothered lol
So all in all.. That big fat chicken burger that's been shouting me for the past few weeks has just got a little closer to being eaten.. I will be able to drive to it soon.. I start college on 10th AND I get to keep my leg :D good day.
High hopes for tomorrow when I start decorating the house again(third time this year) ... Not told the partner yet.. Oh well :)

08-22-2012, 01:03 PM
CONGRATULATIONS CammmmiilllllA! Man, you've come a LONG way in such a short time...Neckbreaking speed! So nice to be able to keep yer leg too! I've only got (1) problem with todays post however...(I came home 1 evening in 2004 to find all of my kitchen cabinets tore off the walls and asked my wife at that time WTF?..Oh, we're remodeling the kitchen now!...uhhhh,,WHAT!..Holy s**T!! $30,000.00 later,..I now have the kitchen that I didn't want to begin with!!! YAY!! Double-ovens that we NEVER use that cost more then a freaking car!! It's great big stupid $3,000.00 DIGITAL CLOCK!!! DAMMIT!!!)...

Ok I'm done...
The End.

Enduronman! :)

08-22-2012, 01:08 PM
30k on a fucking kitchen!!!

08-22-2012, 01:09 PM
Oh and well done to you camilla lol

08-22-2012, 01:12 PM
Uhh..YEAH! I haven't made anything up that I've put on these forums yet!! Why start now!! (yes, it was a completely impulsive and retarded decision..not made by me)..

Enduronman.. :/

08-22-2012, 01:13 PM
At least you dont have to pay $3500 a year for Travel hockey, and another $1000 for the travel expenses, and another $1000 on gear... and then I just bought a 40,000 dollar car. (BMW M3) Meh, its worth it thought.. My dad's in the car business so I got good connections.. ahhaha

08-22-2012, 01:21 PM
S**T! ..At least you didn't have to pay $320.00 A WEEK in child support, an $1,100.00 a month house payment in a house that you DIDNT live in, along with $600.00 a month for an apartment, and then yer children SUDDENLY live with you but you STILL have to pay $320.00 A WEEK FOR THE NEXT 14 MONTHS UNTIL THE CHILD CUSTODY CASE IS FINALIZED BECAUSE YER X WIFE MADE THE CASE MOVE SLOWER THEN A SLUG!!!...and I got (3) cars and (2) trucks in my own name already!!!

Take THAT!


08-22-2012, 01:23 PM
wow enduron.. lol

08-22-2012, 01:26 PM
and I've not worked since May 28th because of some stupid SUDDEN disease attack! (rheumatoid arthritis)...Its when yer body just "throws in the towel and says I quit!"....Why?..Chronic Stress Input, anxiety, tension= DISEASE!! So,..stomp out this stupid anxiety s**t while you have a chance!


08-22-2012, 01:29 PM
Mr money bags

08-22-2012, 01:36 PM
S**t..after all that I'm lucky to have a piece of bread left!! and NO I dont have any $$ left...its gone. Do I care? NOPE! Why dont I care?...Because it would do absolutely 0 to sit here and worry about it,..it is what it is. Another lesson as to why I DO NOT allow anxiety to control me...I do not worry, fret, concern, for s**t that I can not change..because if I could change it?..I would..Get it?...YAY.


08-22-2012, 02:08 PM
God.. Was only talking about a lick of paint LOL

08-22-2012, 02:11 PM
YEAH RIGHT!!!! WHATEVER!!! lick of paint my arse...bahaahaaahaa!!! (still quite astounded and astonished at your success in your mind) even IF yer trying to push this dab of paint bulls**t....:)


08-22-2012, 02:16 PM
LOL!!! Okay I was lying! LOL it may be slightly more than a lick of paint! LOL but yes, thank you :) I'm trying, still struggling but bloody getting there!!! Panic attacks gone, just teaching myself t get rid of the mad thoughts! But I'll do it :D LOL

08-22-2012, 02:18 PM
Amazing..Yes, out with the mad thoughts! They're of no significance to you, or of any use to you either...CTRL/ALT/DEL....

Enduron Man. :)

08-22-2012, 08:40 PM

You say to stomp out the anxiety now...and you have some ideas on how to best do this?


08-22-2012, 10:58 PM
I'm so happy you got to keep your leg! and that the anxiety is under control