View Full Version : Helping People Understand

08-22-2012, 12:57 AM
Ok so I need everyone's help. My best friend really wants to help me with whats going on but she cant understand the disorder itself. I have GAD, ADD and depression and she gets mad if I get nervous, or snappy or I just dont feel like doing anything. She can be a really understanding person but I need help explaining to her so she doesnt get mad as much. She is someone who believes this kind of stuff is all in your head and thinks they are bogus kinds of diagnosis's.

For example: Yesterday I found out that one of the symptoms of GAD is frequently feeling like you need to urinate. I thought she would think it was funny because anyone that knows me knows I have to pee alot. Instead she just said "just add it to your list of problems."

Can anyone help?!

08-22-2012, 01:26 AM
Hey there!! I might not be giving you the best advise here, but as a current GAD sufferer I'm gonna tell you. I know how this "brain parasite" works, and it's no joke, but I think we don't really need these so called "friends" who don't understand what we are going through, and what we feel. Anxiety is hell, and one way to cope with it, or it live with it, it's by having good supportive and comprehensive people around us. Honestly I love to be interactive and social with all the people, but when I come across negative, and non-supportive people, I don't even bother looking at them. I consider them "tripping rocks" in my path. Hopefully your friend can read this post and think about it for a minute. Anxiety can cause an infinite number of symptoms that would make you wanna shoot yourself, ending up in just a freakin false alarm. But unfortunately that's something very, very, very difficult for us to control. Don't worry my friend, all of us in this forum understands you and supports you. You're not alone. Don't forget to pray to god, and take care of your self. A big hug to you.

08-22-2012, 01:29 AM
Hey there!! I might not be giving you the best advise here, but as a current GAD sufferer I'm gonna tell you. I know how this "brain parasite" works, and it's no joke, but I think we don't really need the so called "friends" who don't understand what we are going through, and what we feel. Anxiety is hell, and one way to cope with it, or it live with it, it's by having good supportive and comprehensive people around us. Honestly I love to be interactive and social with all the people, but when I come across negative, and non-supportive people, I don't even bother looking at them. I consider them "tripping rocks" in my path. Hopefully your friend can read this post and think about it for a minute. Anxiety can cause an infinite number of symptoms that would make you wanna shoot yourself, ending up in just a freakin false alarm. But unfortunately that's something very, very, very difficult to control from our brain. Don't worry my friend, all of us in this forum understands you and supports you. You're not alone. Don't forget to pray to god, and take care of your self. A big hug to you.

08-22-2012, 08:48 AM
That is all how I feel thank you for that. She is my best friend so I cant leave her in the dust. But there are other people I cut out of my life who made it more difficult. Thank you for your words of encouragement and I will try to figure it out.

08-22-2012, 02:20 PM
I'd explain it in detail...pull up the DSM IV online and show her. I had to do that with my mom. I also did that with my now ex husband. Some people won't understand...that's why he's my ex LOL.

08-22-2012, 08:06 PM
99saleen, that was a very good post. For years I had to listen to family members ask me "if I took my pill?". I took the pills but they provided minimal help.

08-23-2012, 11:28 PM
99saleen, that was a very good post. For years I had to listen to family members ask me "if I took my pill?". I took the pills but they provided minimal help.

Thanx duqgrad, and if you don't mind me asking. How are you doing now? Do you have this under control?

08-24-2012, 05:34 AM
Thanx duqgrad, and if you don't mind me asking. How are you doing now? Do you have this under control?

Thanks for asking. I'm working on day by day. I was always afraid to face my fears however since starting therapy I feel as though I can beat this. Joining this forum has been one of the beat things I have ever done for myself. Thank you everyone!

08-28-2012, 09:35 PM
Thanks for asking. I'm working on day by day. I was always afraid to face my fears however since starting therapy I feel as though I can beat this. Joining this forum has been one of the beat things I have ever done for myself. Thank you everyone!

Hey duqgrad You know for some reason I keep thinking that therapy doesn't work for this, probably because I never been to therapy. Can you please briefly explain to me how therapy works? And if it really works for you? Everybody tells me to go to therapy but I just don't believe in therapy. Thank you so much duqgrad..

08-28-2012, 10:21 PM
Therapy helps so much- finding a good therapist is key, but once you do, it's like talking to an (very smart) old friend. Their job is not to tell you what to do but help you to work out your own way of healing, moving forward. The whole idea behind therapy is that you innately have all the things you need to be emotionally healthy, but sometimes they just need to be brought to the forefront and using the tools you learn in therapy, allows you to do just that.

Ex. Sample discussion with my therapist:

Me: "I'm anxious before I go to work all the time. The driving scares me. The extreme heat is bugging me. What if I get stranded?"
Her: "Why do you think you're so anxious before work specifically?"
Me: "I'm not sure. Maybe because I get so frustrated with my boss? He's really insensitive and doesn't get my panic attacks at all."
Her: "That's very possible."
Me: "Maybe I just don't want to work there anymore."
Her: "Certainly something to consider."

I mentioned this to someone else in a different post, a little less detailed. Basically, a good therapist won't tell you what to do but will help you figure out yourself what needs to happen and how you can help heal yourself. Sounds weird, but it absolutely helps. Even if you're a little skeptical, I think therapy is a good idea for everyone, anxiety or not.

08-28-2012, 11:24 PM
Therapy helps so much- finding a good therapist is key, but once you do, it's like talking to an (very smart) old friend. Their job is not to tell you what to do but help you to work out your own way of healing, moving forward. The whole idea behind therapy is that you innately have all the things you need to be emotionally healthy, but sometimes they just need to be brought to the forefront and using the tools you learn in therapy, allows you to do just that.

Ex. Sample discussion with my therapist:

Me: "I'm anxious before I go to work all the time. The driving scares me. The extreme heat is bugging me. What if I get stranded?"
Her: "Why do you think you're so anxious before work specifically?"
Me: "I'm not sure. Maybe because I get so frustrated with my boss? He's really insensitive and doesn't get my panic attacks at all."
Her: "That's very possible."
Me: "Maybe I just don't want to work there anymore."
Her: "Certainly something to consider."

I mentioned this to someone else in a different post, a little less detailed. Basically, a good therapist won't tell you what to do but will help you figure out yourself what needs to happen and how you can help heal yourself. Sounds weird, but it absolutely helps. Even if you're a little skeptical, I think therapy is a good idea for everyone, anxiety or not.

Thanks NatalieRegina, wow very beautiful name by the way :) Well I'm gonna give it a shot, I'm gonna look into my insurance and see how it might work with me on a therapist situation. Then I'll come back and tell you if it worked for me or not.

08-29-2012, 06:21 AM
Np! And I was telling someone else on here before about this, but when I needed a therapist and didn't have insurance, I was able to ask a few if they could help. The one I currently go to gives me a reduced rate because I work at a job that I love (but gives me no benefits). $30 vs. $120 for the hour, definitely worth the ask. Keep in touch!

09-05-2012, 12:44 AM
My therapist is amazing! She can tell how well(or usually not) I am doing by what I talk about and how I say it.