08-21-2012, 06:09 PM
Hi, V here. None of my friends or family understand what I'm going through with my anxiety attacks. I just started having them back in September 2011. My Dr put my on an anti-depressant and right now I take clonazepam for my attacks. My Dr recently turned around and said he wasn't going to give me scripts for my meds anymore that I have to see a right not I'm trying to lower my dose from 1mg (1-2 times a day) to nothing, plus it has to be done by September 17th. The psychiatrist said I can not have any benzyls in my system when I go in. I also, back in may, quit my job as a support manager at Walmart because my attacks have been so bad. I feel like I'm losing myself and can't get a grip on this. Any advice on how to calm or deal with anxiety attacks? I'm currently also seeing a counselor. I've tried meditation, deep breathing, etc. I just need to try other methods that might just help.
Thanks everyone for reading and any comments.
Thanks everyone for reading and any comments.