View Full Version : Somebody help!

08-21-2012, 02:28 PM
The last few day have been hell! I spent all of Friday morning in the ER with chest pain and shortness of breath to be told it was GERD! Ugh! I need somebody to explain to me this chest tightness! It's right across my upper chest where my sternum is and it's just achy and heavy and I can't get rid of it!! What's going on????

cat eyes
08-21-2012, 02:35 PM
I have the same thing right now and pray I am not having a heart attack. I have pain under my left breast and center of chest is tight. I also have acid reflux.

08-21-2012, 02:39 PM
It's the worst! I just wanna cry and scream all at the same time out of sheer frustration! :( It was the same feeling I had at the ER so I know it's the GERD but my mind tells me it's so much more! How do you deal with it??

08-21-2012, 02:46 PM
When I first acquired my anxiety my chest would hurt soooo bad! I know exactly how you feel! You go to the ER, they hook you up to an EKG monitor, they take blood, might even do a chest exray. Then they'll come into your room and tell you it's most likely anxiety, they will prescribe you with some Xanaxx then you'll be on your way home about 3000$ poorer! It took me about 2 months or so to get rid of the chest pain!

Try to tighten your pectoral muscles and then relaxing them. Most of the pain I noticed is subconsciously tightening your chest muscles! Good luck! God bless!

08-21-2012, 02:48 PM
What is gerd anyway?

cat eyes
08-21-2012, 02:51 PM
When I first acquired my anxiety my chest would hurt soooo bad! I know exactly how you feel! You go to the ER, they hook you up to an EKG monitor, they take blood, might even do a chest exray. Then they'll come into your room and tell you it's most likely anxiety, they will prescribe you with some Xanaxx then you'll be on your way home about 3000$ poorer! It took me about 2 months or so to get rid of the chest pain!

Try to tighten your pectoral muscles and then relaxing them. Most of the pain I noticed is subconsciously tightening your chest muscles! Good luck! God bless!

That's the truth. I know I have a lot of er bills and copays. gerd is acid reflux. Irritation of the esophagus

08-21-2012, 04:19 PM
Me too! It's crazy but at the time I don't know what else to do. The fear completely takes over all rational thinking!

08-21-2012, 05:39 PM
Folks... assuming you have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder, let's take a look at the (handful) of possible causes of "anxiety chest pain"...

Your brain is a sponge. It absorbs well.
For the past fuck-knows-how-long it's been absorbing your fears, worries, concerns, stresses, issues and now contains a very potent mix of all these forementioned nasties.

Effectively, this giant mass of nasties has bound together to make one, mean mother of a monster inside your head. ROOAARRRRR!!!!!

Brain sees this monster as a REAL and tangible threat, much like you would see a stalking lion or car coming toward you at a rate...

The immediate reaction? "FUCK ME... I'M IN REAL DANGER HERE, MANNNNN"

The primal, biological reaction? FIGHT OR FLIGHT is activated.


1. Majority of blood rushes to vital organs leaving other parts and appendages to starve somewhat.
Anything that is starved of blood (and the plethora of chemicals therein) is gonna suffer & hurt.
Muscles (incl. chest), nerves, stomach... etc.

2. High concentrations of adrenalin causes muscles to contract and sometimes spasm.
Such contractions can be felt in the chest wall. Hardened chest muscle acts as a shield to the heart and lungs - a degree of defense.

3. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
As mentioned in 1. Stomach is somewhat staved of blood during fight or flight.
Acid builds and begins to rise up you esophagus which can cause severe chest pain.

4. Stress
When the brain is under stress, you tend to feel a sense of pressure in the chest which is often termed "stress anxiety chest pain".
This can affect breathing. Stress anxiety chest pain may be short lived or it could be long lasting.
(This is a general, natural symptom you may have observed from time to time, prior to developing A/D and is a combination of the above)

08-21-2012, 09:09 PM
My anxiety in general has been absolutely crazy! From the chest pressure to the miserable lump in my throat! I can't breath. I keep breaking out in a sweat. Clearing by throat 50 times a minute. My stomach rumbles and gurgles and I feel the pressure to burp and then nothing. My food allergy fear is higher than normal, throat feels dry, coughing, scared to be here home alone, figgity.... The list is forever long!!!!!! I'm spiraling tonight. Bad.

08-22-2012, 12:06 AM
Hi, I am new here and this is my first post/reply. I am going through exactly the same thing. I have GERD and IBS and I believe it is the root of these physical symptoms. Anxiety makes it about 1000 times worse! This too shall pass...

08-22-2012, 08:18 PM
My anxiety in general has been absolutely crazy! From the chest pressure to the miserable lump in my throat! I can't breath. I keep breaking out in a sweat. Clearing by throat 50 times a minute. My stomach rumbles and gurgles and I feel the pressure to burp and then nothing. My food allergy fear is higher than normal, throat feels dry, coughing, scared to be here home alone, figgity.... The list is forever long!!!!!! I'm spiraling tonight. Bad.

Omg i feel like this right now like u but reading ur blog i feel a little comfort knowing im not alone x

jon mike
08-23-2012, 10:10 AM
The main thing is you know its anxiety and anxiety is easily beaten once you've learned how to cope with it

08-23-2012, 11:21 PM
My Aunt is also suffering from this pain.
Please share some solutions.