View Full Version : Procrastination?

03-04-2007, 07:27 PM
Okay. I'm wondering how many of us here are procrastinators. I'm wondering if it's something that goes hand-in-hand with anxiety. Is it more common in people with anxiety problems?

The reason this is on my mind right now is because I have to have a speech written by tomorrow morning (it's 10:30 PM right now). I had the whole weekend to do it, but here I am posting on this board.

I don't procrastinate when I'm at work. I'm just a flurry of activity while I'm there, but when I come home the procrastination bug takes over. I always promise myself I won't give in to it, but then I end up in the wee hours of the morning with deadlines looming and don't get the work done until the last possible moment.

Just curious to know if procrastination is a problem for many other folks here. Has anyone found a way to overcome it?

P.S. True story -- A friend and I actually signed up for a procrastination workshop when we were in college. We never went to a single meeting, though. We kept telling ourselves we would do it next week. We were wondering if ANYONE ever showed up for that workshop. :roll:

03-05-2007, 02:34 AM
hell yeah, but im drunk, so i dont think you want to trsf my message.


I usually think " I might die before the deadline, so why the fuck am i worrying about it"

so i always have some kind of something to worry about......

03-10-2007, 08:33 AM
I procrastinate like crazy, and I think that might actually lead to worse anxiety...Like right now Im in the midst of a move out of state, and I havent done hardly anything to get ready, Ive just felt so run down, and lazy, which I think might be the anxiety showing itself....but I know ill feel better once the move is over and done with...but getting to that point is gonna be like pulling teeth...I dont know why I wont do it even thugh i know ill feel better once its done...I just cant get myself motivatd to do it...

03-10-2007, 10:27 AM
Yes! I do that all the time. I wrote a paper for english till 11 and the paper wsa due the next day. I come home all the time with homework and never do it. I have to make time in school to do it. I hate it, I always say I will do it, but I never do.

Glad to know it's not just me who likes writing papers at night :D


03-24-2007, 10:53 AM
I've become a really huge procrastinator, too. I will sit for hours, doing nothing, not writing my paper. Then I end up feeling really bad about myself and more depressed. But it happens every time...

04-01-2007, 01:19 AM
Thanks for sharing.

Currently my anxiety is at such a high level that I procrastinate about everything. Getting up in the morning is such a nightmare. I obsess about absolutely everything from getting the kids lunches to making the bed.

Going out and posting parcels, getting petrol...and the list goes on.

So, yes, I guess you're not alone in that boat :)

04-02-2007, 02:50 AM
I think it's absolutly true that a lot of use procrastinate. I have about ten write-ups due by the end of my semester, but I can't get myself to work on them. It gets worse over time really. I suppose that procrastinate is nearly synonymous with avoid, and certainly avoidence is a big part of being anxious.