View Full Version : Need Help Anxiety ruining my life!!!

08-21-2012, 09:30 AM
Hey, I have been experiencing anxiety symptoms for a couple of months now, it just gets worser and worser, I always get different symptoms. Like one week I will have muscle twitching, tension headaches, and head zaps/tics, then another week I will have facial numbness, palpitations, insomnia. I need help!! I find myself crying for no reason, I always think about dying and I'm not happy!!

08-21-2012, 10:22 AM
hi there it sounds like youve got anxiety plus depression in honesty ..i so feel for you as ive been going threw a rough patch myself and i understand how hard it all is especially when it seems like its getting worse :-( ... i wish i knew a magic cure for you but i dont i been looking for it myself ...best advice i can say is take everything in baby steps and its takes time for the body to heal ..dont expect overnight cures aswell just makes you feel worse..just keep popping on here and stuff distract your mind even if its only half hour ..or watever ..even though i no how hard it all is god bless ..

08-21-2012, 10:25 AM
Yeah, it's not exactly fun. However, stop and think: it's been a few months. You haven't died yet. Nor will you die because of this. Anxiety is not lethal.

One of the best things you can do right now - yes, right now - is to stop worrying. Yes, new symptoms are scary. I've had a fair share of them, and they changed every few days or so. But the thing about anxiety is that worrying about your anxiety symptoms CAUSES anxiety - in short, it's an endless loop. Break free of that! Take a walk, relax, do something you like, do pretty much anything you want to help you distract yourself from what you feel, and to help you stop worrying about what might (and probably won't) happen to you.

Matt C
08-21-2012, 11:18 AM
Hey, I have been experiencing anxiety symptoms for a couple of months now, it just gets worser and worser, I always get different symptoms. Like one week I will have muscle twitching, tension headaches, and head zaps/tics, then another week I will have facial numbness, palpitations, insomnia. I need help!! I find myself crying for no reason, I always think about dying and I'm not happy!!

Hey 1Laticia,

I know how desperate it can feel. The time I spent in Psychosis and Anxiety Disorder etc felt like a lifetime... But it was a really a matter of 8 or so months total. I kicked it's arse by getting my head in to holistic training systems. You have to find what works for you, and it might be worth you getting in touch with a professional counsellor if that seems right for you.

But no Counsellor can replace good daily health habits that you build up in your own life... and these are what support and develop your own long term health. I got great short term and long term relief from practicing Mantra meditation and taiji and toaist yoga as well as basic qigong. It helped because at the time it was new, so I needed to focus on what I was doing... and I was agrophobic so being in the classes scared the sh*t out of me!! But I did it anyway because the process of doing it took me out of my head and in to a more open, relaxed awareness.

I was doing Mantra meditation formally twice a day, but I must've been using it nearly all day long initially, because I was literally in a state of constant shifting between anxiety and depression at that point.

Anyway. Just so you know, if art helps, or playing a musical instrument... do it. Whatever it is that gets your mind to open up to something new, and grow in to a state of more open awareness gently, and steadily is a good thing right now.

The more you focus on this anxiety the stronger it will feel, and the more you will struggle to change it... the struggle makes you more anxious. Many people may tell you to "stop thinking so much"... but it doesn't work like that so easily in the beginning... initially you need to to find ways to gently open up your focus, and learn to let the anxiety be there without it being so much of a big deal to you... as you do that you'll start to discover something truly wonderful. Something that most people go through their whole lives and never realize.

It's a hard lesson we face going through this, but I can tell you, one that is worth the challenge. Once you understand how to go beyond this, there's nothing this world can throw at you that you won't be able to handle.

I wish you the very best 1Laticia.

Keep in touch.

Much love.

08-21-2012, 01:05 PM
Thank you all for the advice!!! This is all do scary and new for me, this past year, my freshman year in college and has been really stressful. But I will use you all advice to help me.