View Full Version : Exercise

08-21-2012, 03:48 AM
Best Exercise for women?

08-31-2012, 10:06 PM
Self defense classes such as krav maga

09-01-2012, 10:03 AM
Forwells, do you really think people with anxiety should take it easy? I'd hate to think that I can't work out as much as other people just because of my anxiety. :(

09-01-2012, 04:49 PM
I recently have been diagnosed with GAD and I personally have found that I have less anxiety/anxiety symptoms when I exercise more. I have also found that the more intense the type of exercise I'm doing the better the results. For me this may be combative's , mountain biking or sailing. Instead of causing me increased anxiety I have found it forces me to always be in that present moment not thinking just being.

09-01-2012, 11:11 PM
Yeah, I'm with SkyHarbor. I certainly don't push myself to an unreasonable level, of course, until I'm ready, but pushing myself a bit makes me feel better rather than taking it easy.

The adrenaline thing is interesting, though. I want to read up on that.

09-01-2012, 11:37 PM
I gotta jump in here too! Excercise? I used to love it, then things went wrong that I myself caused. I thought it was going great until I ended up sick for weeks at a time and pinned down to the couch. I was pushing way too hard, way too much..age was a major factor. I didnt pay any attention to that. I was training with 23 to 34 yr old boys and lifting as much and sometimes more then they were. I had all the good supplements, a solid diet, but none of that would prevent the upcoming events. I kinda miss the endorphins, it was the addiction. Squattin 535 pounds, benching near 400 pounds, and pulling near 500 pounds off the floor to just above my knees was pretty rewarding. I had set a goal when I arrived at that gym that I would be able to pick up the heaviest dumbells there and press them in any position..I did. I acheived my goals, then it hit me..rheumatoid arthritis. That was it, it was over..(sigh)...live and learn.