View Full Version : Newbie here - am i crazy?

08-20-2012, 12:44 PM
This would be the question I have asked myself over and over.... I'm crazy I know I am my thoughts are crazy but so real and scary. I'm new here and just been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. Current fears heart attack and blood clot my, leg has been hurting for weeks now is this symptom of anxiety? Advice is appreciated I'm new to this disorder and struggling- thank you x

08-20-2012, 12:52 PM
Hi, your not crazy anxiety is just a bastard! Theres no other way of putting it! I get a lot of muscle tension and at the start of my anxiety achy legs was def 1 of them they could really hurt! I think most of us here have had every disease going or so our anxiety has us think! Ive had mouth cancer stomach cancer numerous heart attacks and even a collapsed lung, lol.


08-20-2012, 01:02 PM
Hi Kelly.

Thank you for ur reply and making me smile. I have already had two heart attacks in the last week. This disorder is not fun and I am feeling quite ashamed until I found this site I felt like a freak (I still am hahaha) it has brought me some comfort that others feel as I do. The constant worry of dying is exhausting dont you think? I just wish there was a switch. After my attacks I know there stupid but at the time I can swear I will not live another day it comes to the crazy point of calling my fiancé x

08-20-2012, 01:06 PM
Hi Bella

Out of interest, what makes you think you're having a heart attack?
(Just your mind or do you have physical symptoms?)


08-20-2012, 01:09 PM
Hey Darren

It's all real I have chest pain in my left side and then I start to panic. My leg I hurting and has been for a few weeks and main worry is its a blod clot that will travel around my body and cause me to have a heart attacks and my bloody feels fuzzy! Seriously that sounds crazy but it's scares me quite literally to death!

Crazy girl x

08-20-2012, 01:12 PM
Hey Bella , I am new too this too and just saw what you had written . I thought blood clots and heart attacks were my thing ! Every time I get a slight ache in my leg i have to sit and massage it for ages cus im scared it's a clot ! I have even been to the doctors about it and she called me a hypochondriac - how nice of her
I also dread when someone close to me gets sick or has some kind of ailment cus I automatically think I'm going to get it too !
Nothing is more tiring than having anxiety

08-20-2012, 01:25 PM
Ahh hah!

Chest pain, particularly the left side, mainly under the left nipple and armpit are an all-too-common symptom of anxiety disorder, or rather the subsequent, physical symptoms of the infamous "fight or flight mode" which you don't even realise has been activated.
(The pain ranges from a dull ache to stabbings and everything inbetween)

You'll find that most a/d sufferers have experienced the same & frequently - me included.

Quite often, a similar pain, sometimes accompanied with a buzzing, tingling or numbness is also experienced in the left arm.

Initial conclusion is invariably that of a heart attack, but rest assured that, as long as you have been checked by a medical doctor, a heart attack it most certainly isn't.

If you were having a heart attack, it'd be over in a matter of hours at the most. Eventually you would fall unconscious... and I'm betting that hasn't happened, eh?


As for perceived blood clot:
Serious reprocussions would be occuring down-stream from the clot, like skin discolouration, numbness, swelling, inflamation & extreme pain.

08-20-2012, 01:26 PM
Dazza, I think you should leave this post to me.. hahahah you're pretty much a mirror of me bella.. Except you're a girl/woman.

Anyway, I used to always think i was going to have a heart attack at a young age.. My right leg felt heavy and kept going numb so i thought i had a blod clot as well.
I had chest pain all over my chest, and numbness/tingling/pain in my left arm. Instantly I thought "heart attack" There was no time for my brain to give a logical answer, because I didnt know I had anxiety at the time.. A lot of doctors are saying, This is common at your age, and that it'll pass and im just sitting there shaking my head because doctors suck.

I mean seriously... Have you ever heard of a 15 year old athlete that has ever had a heart attack? No? Didn't think so...
It's all in your head. Go read the post "Irrational fears explained" By forwells. You'll find a lot of answers there .

Tristan A.

08-20-2012, 01:30 PM
Very well summarised, laddy!

<in yoda accent>

Learnt well, you have... hmmmmm?

08-20-2012, 01:34 PM
Theres lots of us i used to think i was alone until i went to talk to a counsellor which helped me open up! When i started to tell friends and school moms i found that another mum had suffered the same and i would never of guessed it of her! Try to talk to people you will be surprised just how many people suffer from anxiety. I even found my mom had suffered to!


08-20-2012, 01:35 PM
Very well summarised, laddy!

<in yoda accent>

Learnt well, you have... hmmmmm?

I have indeed learnt well. haha

08-20-2012, 01:36 PM
Zoe hey, sounds like we share the same fears. I mean it's destroying my life I used to be fun .... I think! My leg hurts constantly and my bloody even feels fizzy. Being called a hypochondriac is just so frustrating when it feels so real and scary. I feel for u feeling the way u do, im glad I have found this site, I felt so alone. I to share ur fear for family and friends everyone some I love has a headache or sickness imagine how annoyed they are when I start testing for meningitis. Stay strong Zoe. As Kelly said anxiety is a bastard!!! X

08-20-2012, 01:41 PM
Thank u everyone for ur support. It all very scary but I feel right at home here. It brings some peace of mind to hear these are common sysptoms but I'm sure this peace of mind will not last to long. I am about to start counselling but I'm a bit wary as I feel so ashamed and embarrassed. Have u all found a way to live with this?

Thank you again x

08-20-2012, 01:41 PM
It's so good reading that so many people go through this !
Before I had anxiety I was confident loud and outgoing , now those days are just memories
Thanks Bella :)

08-20-2012, 01:55 PM
Before i had anxiety, I was a party animal!
well i dont do drugs and all that stuff, but i was a confident person as well.. and now im like in the dumps..

08-20-2012, 02:13 PM
Thank u everyone for ur support. It all very scary but I feel right at home here. It brings some peace of mind to hear these are common sysptoms but I'm sure this peace of mind will not last to long. I am about to start counselling but I'm a bit wary as I feel so ashamed and embarrassed. Have u all found a way to live with this?

Thank you again x

You're more than welcome hunni

You're right in that the peace of mind may only be short lived, but once you're able to convince yourself this (through experience, acceptance & understanding of the condition), that peace of mind grows stronger and will eventually pull you from the rubble, so to speak.

I'm sorry to say that anxiety disorder is NORMALLY quite a struggle and may take many months to overcome. However, follow the professional advice given, GO to therapy, listen to the doctors and eventually it'll all make sense.

Remember, most ALL of us were without this condition not long ago. It strikes from seemingly nowhere (although there is usually a phsychological reason - like overwhelming fears or trauma)

08-20-2012, 02:17 PM
Dazza knows what he's talking about. hahah

08-20-2012, 03:39 PM
Ciao Bella Welcome to Anxiety Universe and no you are far from being crazy. Just relax sit back and enjoy the ride, there are some great people here who are supportive and put a smile in your face when you need it the most.

Well make yourself at home and share as much as possible as it is better for you and also reminds us that's we are not just a bunch of Insane obsessive kind of people in here :-)..
