View Full Version : Who am I?...What am I?... Why am I here?.. I am misunderstood.

08-20-2012, 12:30 PM
Dear Anxiety Forum members,

I am odd, I will admit. I am not here to hurt anyones feelings, nor to make them feel unwanted or to make fun of their conditions or disorders either. I am misunderstood at times. My approach to things that I read, is quite simply what my goofed up brain is telling me to do. I type, what it request for me to type. Remember, they're only words on a screen in front of you and how you interpret them is of your own choice and decision. I too have many conditions, disorders, symptoms, ailments, and disease. I am no different then any of you in that regard. I am the same.

I hope to give you an understanding of who I am, and why I am the way I am. To make this part as brief as possible, at least that is my goal anyway. My fathers side of the family was quite abundant in mental disorders, conditions, history. There were 5 schizophrenics, with many others that had anxietal tensions and disorders that I will not list here. Lets just say that there were many genetic abnormalities on his side. He himself appears to be an average fella, very kind man, and also has GAD, and SAD although he hides it well. He will always say no if invited to go somehwere even if it be a family function, yet when you convince him to finally join us he has a great time and will not stop talking about how much fun that was, and he's glad that he went as well. He also has a very odd sense of humor for example, while at a restaurant with my daughters whom are very attractive young ladies (blonde hair, blue eyes, you get the point) he notices the waiter looking at them in a way that he finds abit obvious as slobber running down the waiters face would probably give that away so he says "If you don't quit gauwking at my grandaughters in the manner in which you are, I will kill you and everyone that you've ever known"..He then laughs and says "just kidding!"..Well, the waiter has already wet himself and asks another to take care of his table. He meant no harm, it was just his own style, his way, his brand of humor..=my brand of humor..go figure. Sorry!

My mothers side of the family were brainiacs. Smart, educated, scholars, higher learning, book smart, keen, witty, bright, intelligent, wise, intellect out of their ears, and had NO mental disorders or conditions. They were Professors, Teachers, Accountants, Doctors,...professionals. Straight over here on a ship directly from Sweden. I have alot of ancestrial information about them. I have none about my fathers side nor where his ancestory or background pinpoints their heritage or region. Essentially, what my (2) parents ended up with was me. Yippee! An out of control, anxiety stricken, hyper-sensitive, hyper-active, hyper-vigilant, person with (1) side of my brain that is 100% Viking and will and has caused great devastating destruction on many scales and also has (1) other side of a brain that is filled with logic and reason with a way to learn and store information of that which smart or intelligent people would be able too..I have NO book education. I snapped at 10 years old. Guess who took over?...Yup, Viking Man. I did however regain control at 18 years, 2 months, 2 days old...I had too, or I would not be here today. I have controlled him since that day to some degree. He still can snap in a tenth of a second, and that's where the other half of my brain takes charge and forces me away from conflict. Not to save me, to save anyone else..I mean no harm to anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

There is one side of my brain that will react to any situation, anywhere, at anytime that will render an assailant, attacker, aggressor, incapable of anything other then breathing under his own power without machines..if I allow it.

There is one side of my brain that will help a homeless man find shelter, help an elderly lady cross the road, give you the shoes off of my own feet if you need them..

It's highly understood by me. I acknowledge it, I accept it, I know it is there...It is how I am programmed, wired, created, and I can not alter genetics...

I am only here to help, not to cause harm..

Have a great day all, and maybe we will be able to work together in the future to figure out the answers to your problems? I have all of my answers.

Enduronman. (Christoph)

08-20-2012, 12:41 PM
I have a sick sense of humour and i like yours :) I've really warmed to you, maybe cos you remind me a bit of my fella, maybe cos you jumped in so quick to try and help me. I think loads of people on here really appreciate your input but ya can't please everyone 8)

08-20-2012, 12:53 PM

Can't take it... gonna self combust...

eyes have just rolled in my head 360 degrees (fuck... i just saw my own brain... tiny?)

clenched fists... white knuckle ride (scream if ya wanna go fasterrrrrrr)

toes are curling downwards... (feet now like a pair of reverse high-heels)

teeth gritting... (fused together, now a single row of teeth)


sphincter closed hard... (methane back-draft)

sweating profusely... (betty swollucks)

arrgghhhhh.... uurrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... gurgle...


08-20-2012, 12:56 PM
Lol daz such a piss taker

08-20-2012, 01:10 PM
Bahhahahhaaaaa!!!! Uh....baahhahahaaaahaahaaa!!!!! Lmao!!!!! :)

08-20-2012, 01:11 PM
"i just saw my own brain!!!".....lmao!!!

08-20-2012, 01:30 PM
AND>>> I don't want anyone here to have to live through what I was just forced to live through starting on May 28th. An attack of epic proportions, a disease...caused by? Chronic stress and high anxiety.. It is where these conditions and disorders eventually lead you too, as they evolve into an actual disease. An (autoimmune system breakdown). Your own body, attacks...ITSELF!!! Yes, I'm being truthful, honest, factual, and accurate...Not making this shit up as no one can be THAT creative!!!

Chronic stress input=high anxiety=chronic stress overload=out of control autoimmune system=holy f**k what is this invisible thing that is causing me to feel like I'm in a GIANT CLAMP!..or hit by a truck! or why do I feel like I've just fallen from a 3 story building!....Mr. Anxiety invited and opened the door for Mr. Disease to visit...sneaky bastards.

Mr. Disease is now under my control, at neckbreaking speed. BUT, here's the bad news? That's why I'm sitting here today. I was told by my Dr. that I am (NOT ALLOWED TO WORK AS I ONCE DID FOR NEARLY 30 YEARS, BECAUSE I WILL END UP DISABLED AND HANDICAPPED AGAIN AS I HAVE BEEN SINCE MAY!)..So, although I have been given clearance to return to work (construction, 30 years) I can not lift heavy things, force great physical activity, or do anything strenuous anymore...WHICH IS ALL I KNOW HOW TO DO FOR A LIVING!!...grrrrr....That's why I'm sitting here. I must now have "HEAVY HITTERS" carry all the heavy crap around, even though I know I still can...I will pay for it if I do....

Troubleing circumstances to say the least....

08-20-2012, 01:36 PM
Ignore me then psshh

08-20-2012, 01:40 PM
OMGAWD!!! I saw your post too, I just couldn't re-gain my composure after the DAAAZZZZAAAAA strike that was quite hilarious!! SO THERE!! ...Nice to see you puttin some :) :) into your post now too!! AWESOME!!!

08-20-2012, 01:43 PM
Like totally :D