View Full Version : I can't believe it's not butter...

03-02-2007, 11:41 PM
And I can't believe I have had to turn to the internet to try to hang onto my sanity!! But I am glad I have found this site, looking forward to some feedback once I get my dramas / dillemas on here. You won't believe it's not butter too. :wacko:

Wow, I am getting nervous just thinking about it!! I have anxiety, and am prone to panick attacks, not like they were when I was younger, but, still hard to deal with. Also the PTSD thing, (I hate those letters) especially when I actually have to share that, and someone has no idea what it is.

03-04-2007, 07:47 PM
LOL. I can't believe it's not butter either!!!

PTSD -- One of my former co-workers had that. He had a gun stuck in his face at a previous job and was unable to work for quite some time after that because of PTSD symptoms. He's doing very, very well now. There's always hope!

Anyway, welcome! I look forward to getting to know you better.