View Full Version : day 2.. I'm not mad..

08-20-2012, 10:00 AM
Yep, my anxiety is that I'm going mad, that I'm not real, that I don't exist, that there's no point to anything, try explaining that one to somebody! Some one said yesterday to say what caused my anxiety.. Me! I cause it myself.. Just like most other people on this site, do u know why we cause it ourselves? Because we let our thoughts run away with us, what we should be thinking is 'SO WHAT?!' So what we may be having a heart attack the worst that can happen is we die, but before that we'll make ourselves go hospital, so we don't die in the end do we? When that little thought starts 'my chest is tight I'm having a heart attack' stop it. Stop the thought. Think of something else, most of us has ended up in hospital with something wrong with us, then we find out its anxiety? How silly do we feel? One thing I do when I feel a panic attack coming is think 'its anxiety, I'll go hospital they'll tell that then I'll feel silly' and that almost always stops my panic attack! Try that.
As for me and my madness, I've got to try the 'so what?' Technique, so what if I go mad. Someone will help me, so what if I'm not real I'm gunna enjoy life anyway. So what if nothing exists I'm here! Its hard. I fight it everyday. But I'll bloody beat it!
Today.. Started bad. I fought the urge to go back to bed. I had to cancel my hypnotist because I couldn't afford it today. Still enrolled in college though! Felt really good afterwards. I'm gunna make something of my life. I'm going to help people like me. Do u know how I know? I got a phonecall today asking me for an interview so I can volunteer to help people with mental illnesses! Woooo, already took that starting step.. So thanks anxiety for pushing me to change my life..
I've just ranted on haven't I? Its not been such a good day today but it will get better. It already has. When this started I couldn't leave my bedroom, now I've just enrolled in college. Another tip for u, usually with anxiety we look at how far we've got left to go, why not look at how far we've already come?

08-20-2012, 10:12 AM

Yer riding the crazy train!! BUT,..you're not going off the rails...Awesome!

(Quote: "with anxiety we look at how far we've got to go, why not look at how far we've already come?") Poetic,..Priceless!
