View Full Version : Anxiety help

08-20-2012, 06:32 AM
Ones anybody have any practical tips for managing their anxiety ? How to not focus on their anxiety? Any advice on what helps you would be greatly appreciated x

08-20-2012, 07:44 AM
My advice after years of having bad anxiety is to let it come , don't fear it , float with it . Don't try to hard to fight it , this causes panic attacks in my case .
See it for what it is , it's a illness that you have & you need to accept that & learn to live with it . It's will after a long time become part of who you are ,

It's something you have & something you have to live with , reasearch it , find help & support on it .

Accept medication if you need it , it's there for this disorder to help !!!

Jessy x

08-20-2012, 03:52 PM
Thank you for your advice!!!! I was trying really hard to fight it yesterday and I got worse ( how does one try and not want to fight it !! ) I have 5mg of Valium and I took 1/2 and it subsided in about half an hour.. I think I should see a therapist. My eating habits are good as I'd my sleeping . Thanks so much again!

08-20-2012, 04:13 PM
>I think I should see a therapist

Don't think... DO IT.

Cognetive therapy saved my pittiful, anxious ass. Without it I would have suffered far, far more than I already did.

Here's some rock-solid advice for you in no particular order:

- If you have ANY physical symptoms that worry you - put them to bed as soon as possible. Go see as many doctors and/or take as many A&E visits as you need to. Seriously.
Do NOT be ashamed or feel like a burden. They are they to help you. They play necessary roles in your recovery.

- Use a councillor, or better, a cognetive therapist in order to offload your worries / fears and to gain an understanding of your condition & indeed your own mind.
Again, do NOT, under any circumstance feel ashamed. Anxiety is common (1 in 10, I believe) and these guys are instrumental in your recovery.

- Use prescribed medication to get you through the worst... but please try to use in emergencies only and remember; these drugs are NOT curing a physical problem, they are masking a mental one, but they DO work wonders in times of need.
Again, do NOT be ashamed or anal about drugs. Sometimes things get too much and we need a helping hand.

Heed the above, but most importantly - get to know the condition. Work hard on understanding and accepting it because this is VITAL ammunition during your battle with anxiety.

Let the fight begin... seconds out, ROUND ONE... ding ding!