View Full Version : Financial anxiety

08-19-2012, 11:51 PM
Does anyone else have financial anxiety? I've got an app in for SSDI (slew of physical and psych conditions). I don't know how I can survive on what SSDI pays - it's a sub-poverty wage. But if I don't get it I'm even more screwed.

08-20-2012, 12:30 AM
I deal with financial anxiety every single day. Even when I know we're in a financially stable situation and that there's nothing to worry about-- I worry constantly about it. It drives me crazy... I worry about paying for all of my doctor appointments and therapy appointments too but I was told that I can set up payment arrangements, so we'll see... I know how you feel though..

08-20-2012, 01:07 AM
thanks. today was just a horrible day. i've had anxiety and despair all day. hope tomorrow's better.

08-20-2012, 01:14 AM
I liken anxiety to a perpetual spin washing machine, where our brain is the DRUM and the worries make up the load.

Our worries just keep tumbling around... and around... and around... indefinitely it seems, and the spin-cycle never finishes.

Any further worries are just shoved in with the rest of the already bulging worry load and join the perpetual spin of fear.

Until we are able to stop this spin cycle, the worries are just gonna keep-a-tumbling.

The trick is to find the stop button, open the door and unload that drum!