View Full Version : Think I am going to Start posting my daily diary here as well to keep track

08-19-2012, 08:33 PM
Well today I only had about 5 hours of sleep due to my work schedule. I woke up feeling pretty good and kept my breathing under control for about 3 hours. For those who don't know I have a problem with chronic ongoing hyperventilation from my anxiety. Well I got to work and I was speaking with a supervisor and suddenly the breathing thing kicked in again. I fought it on and off all day at work. Had a really bad attack mid way through my day and I felt like running out the door. Of course I didn't do such thing and I made it through the day. Now I am home relaxing and I am doing pretty well after having a nice big meal. I always notice that I feel better after having a full stomach and plenty of fluids. I still am sighing periodically but feeling okay at the moment.