View Full Version : does anyone take citalopram for anxiety?!?

08-19-2012, 05:47 PM
Hi all, my mental health doctor recently perscribed me 10mg citalopram for my anxiety and i guess depression.....im scared to death to start taking this med, i cant read the info on it as it will cause my anxiety to go even more crazy looking at the side effects :o( so my question that im begging for answers for is, is there anyone out there that takes/has taken this med and how has it worked for you?!?! my anxiety was so great for years up until i was injured at work in december 2011 and have been off of work since.....being off of work really has dibilated (sp) me and has caused my anxiety to go crazy!!! ive always just taken .25 mg alprazolam and that was just increased in the last year to .5mg, but this is doing nothing for me.....and also i am on 5mg oxycodone every 4 hours for my hip injury, so i take my alprazolam when i really need it because im to scared to mix the benzo with the oxycodone :o( im praying that this citalopram is an answer, because i just do not know how much more i can deal with this stupid stupid anxiety!!! i just wish they would let me stay in the hospital for a day or two for when i start THIS new med....im so stinkin scared its redic!!! anything will help! thanks so much everyone, this site truely is helpful !

08-19-2012, 07:51 PM
Citalopram isn't going to kill you. It's actually a pretty good medication in its particular class. It looks like it may be the perfect compliment to the meds you're already taking actually yet the 5mg oxy every 4 hours I do find abit troubling...Why?...Because this may actually be the reason and or potential cause for the anxiety itself. Especially if you are not fully functional, mobile, can get around freely..You may be frustrated as hell already and then throw (morphine) on top of that and the mix can work quite well in the earlier stages of this injury yet as time passes the effects of it can actually be somewhat agitating and gettin you all upset. I think I would discuss this additional anti-dep with the Dr and also ask if the oxy over time is creating this anxiety or the possibility of that, if they're knowledgeable then I'm sure they'll be able to help you understand this..

Goodluck to you friend!


08-20-2012, 08:01 AM
see i asked my specialist if she thought the oxycodone was part if not all of my anxiety and she said she def did not think so! when i had surgery a few years ago i was on it also with tylenol and i swear to this day that for some reason tylenol is a trigger for my anxiety so last month i had her switch the perscription to oxy w/o the tylenol to see if it would help, but of course it didnt :( i have a torn labrum and really wound up tight ilisosas tendon in my hip from the work injury, i've been on a narcotic since (december) and now i use to "think" but i know now that my body is dependant on it (myself, i just assume not take it at all in my head) but my body itself is actually dependant on it and so the dr and I are working on some sort of taper off of it....but i am most likely having surgery in the coming months so she didnt think it was a good idea to start the taper yet :( so enduronman, you are right and i thank your for supporting my theory on the narcotic most likely being the trigger for the anxiety...i mean why else after years of barely any anxiety would i have it EVERY DAY! ? ! ? !

08-20-2012, 08:51 AM
I've just got a really strong suspicion lets say that the narcotic is alot if not all of this anxiety..Hopefully you can recover at some point and try to get back to life as usual. I too was in some pretty wicked pain here in June and July yet the painkillers did 0 to help with it at all. What I will say they made me do is sit there in pain, lightheaded, loopy, and beligerant...They put me into some sort of mood that has alot of "tude" if you know what I mean.. Me+opiates=WTF!...WTF!!!..

Get well!
