View Full Version : Irrational fears!

08-19-2012, 01:26 PM
Since my anxiety started I've feared just about everything. I started with heart attacks, when the anxiety first started and I had no idea what was happening naturally I thought OMG I'm 23 and I'm gonna have a heart attack! Then once I figured out it was anxiety I went from heart attack to fearing a food allergy/any allergic reaction to any and all things! That one isn't as bad but it still lingers. Now I'm on to a combo of fearing I'm gonna have an asthma attack bc my chest is tight most of the time and this crazy lump in my throat that I always fear is my throat closing up! In the last week I've been to the ER and called EMS to my house! Im losing my mind!!! I'm 25 years old with more irrational fears than anyone should ever have to experience!! My body hurts, I'm mentally exhausted and sometimes think that not living would be better then living like this but I don't wanna die lol. It's a crazy crazy crazy cycle. I just wanna be normal again........

08-19-2012, 01:44 PM
the lump in your throat is GERD. or acid reflux. the tightness i your chest is the same thing as well.. do you get heartburn at all?

Im going through the same thing that you are.. except mine is wayyy more unrealistic.. i thought I would have a heart attack at age 15.

08-19-2012, 02:30 PM
I usually just burp the acid back up into my throat. I occasionally have heartburn but not very often at all.

08-19-2012, 02:30 PM
I think the fear of the allergy/asthma attack is the absolute worst though.

08-19-2012, 02:36 PM
its definitely acid reflux then.im 99.9% sure.

08-19-2012, 03:44 PM
I am in the exact same boat, missfoxC. I went to the er for what I "knew" were heart problems. It was GERD. The past week I was sure I was gonna have a stroke/brain aneurysm/brain tumor because I was having bad head aches and weird vision problems, and now I'm sitting here, freaking out cause my legs swelled up, and I cannot stop thinking about congestive heart failure. I feel crazy, and 90% of the time I'm sure the big thing that's gonna put me in the hospital, in major surgery, or dead is right around the corner. Long story short, I know that feel, bro. And if you're like me, hearing about people with the same symptoms as you will make you feel a bit at ease.

Feel better!

08-19-2012, 04:42 PM
I am terrible for fearing allergic reactions everytime i do my hair i have to choose a weekday when im not alone incase i have anifilatic shock ( cant spell it) everytime i use a different cream or use some new im gona get a reaction. I still make myself do these things and it gets easier! Are you on any meds for it?


08-19-2012, 04:44 PM
Dye my hair that is, lol

08-19-2012, 10:07 PM
I was on a few different anti anxiety meds but stopped taking them bc I was convinced I could do it alone but now I realize I need HELP! I've made a drs appt and an appt with my counselor! It helps so much to hear I'm not the only one! I mean things ive eaten my whole life I've given up and I eat the same things every week. I don't eat out at all. If I don't make it then I don't eat it. It's a vicious place to be! I'm sorry y'all are goin thru this too! We will beat it though! What meds to you take?? If you don't mind me asking

08-20-2012, 03:04 AM
Not alone at all, i take 150mg of sertraline everyday which keeps me on level ground! Sertraline have never given me any reactions. But i get it with new creams seafood even tho i no im not allergic to seafood, anti-biotics even tho i have taken many before! I do wish i could be care free like i used to. I still have the thoughts of these things but my body doesnt have the panic about it that it used to.
