View Full Version : I'm going to start a diary on here, just to get stuff out my system.. day 1..

08-19-2012, 11:13 AM
I know your reading this you nosy buggers! What type of people want to pry into a young womans life? LOL I'm only joking anyway here goes..
Bad morning. Worst in a while, beat the panic attacks a while ago but I'm still fighting depersonalisation and depression.. I need sleep! I always feel better after sleep, for the past 2 days the bloody idiot that lives with me has woke me up about 3 times a night thinking I want a convosation, its 3 in the fucking morning, eff off! Anyway after 2 nights of broken sleep it caught me today, the 'unreal' feeling, nearly caused a panic attack twice, but I got myself under control (just)..
Also have a food problem (which u probably know) I usually start the day with a few bites of a weetabix, this morning I just pulled a little piece off sum brown bread n ate that, and carried on doing that all day.. Everytime my belly rumbled.. I've lost over 2 stone now, which may be a good thing because I feel a bit better about myself, but would have been a lot better if I actually wanted to lose the weight. Tidied upstairs in my house about an hour ago and nearly passed out so had t rush for a weetabix LOL
I'm hoping after a good nights sleep I'll feel a lot better..
Its been a bad day.. But it the first bad day in a while. And if the idiot wakes me up tonight he's gunna know about it! Going to enrol in college tomorrow, get my birth certificate so I can send off for a provisional, then enrol in more course elsewhere, also applied as a volunteer to help mentally illand disabled people.. Tomorrows gunna be a good day. It better be.

08-19-2012, 12:11 PM
I like the diary idea. For yours & the readers sake you ought to document exactly what causes your anxiety / panic & when. This may give us (& you) some scientific insight into your condition which may actually help toward eliminating the cause(s).

We should all keep diaries really... they can highlight stuff/behaviour patterns you're not consciously aware of at the time of writing.


08-19-2012, 12:43 PM
Good idea!.. I'll do it tomorrow night, don't wanna show my madness too soon lol

08-19-2012, 03:15 PM
Hmm like the diary idea
May par take myself
Will see :-)

08-19-2012, 08:25 PM
What a great idea! I lost weight as well and I often can only stomach a piece of wheat bread just to stop the bubbling belly.