View Full Version : Who here has young children & how does it affect you being a mum ?

08-19-2012, 09:35 AM
Looking to make friends with other mums in the same boat as me ?

Jessy xxx

08-19-2012, 01:47 PM
Hi im 28 ive got 3 kids i started getting anxiety after my 2nd child but with some ADs it went away! Then after the birth of my 3rd i crashed big time in to anxiety hell! I think i manage it better because of my kids, i cant focus to much on myself and i have to get out of bed every morning and fight this, if it wasnt for them id prob not move out my bed! Lol


08-19-2012, 03:00 PM
Hi Kelly , I'm 31 & have 2 kids , I know just what you mean , I feel exactally the same !!
It's so hard to keep it from them & motto feel guilty & like a crap mum , which I feel every day .
It's good to know I'm not alone
Take care
Jessy x

08-19-2012, 10:12 PM
I'm 25 And have a 3 year old daughter! She's the only thing that seems to keep me sane :)

08-20-2012, 12:32 PM
I believe a lot of mine is from worrying about if I'll be here for my boy who's 31/2. I'm always afraid I'm going to die. I smoke and drink alcohol. Don't take that wrong I'm a very together person but we indulge with wine a few times a week and I know it's no huge biggie but this totally sets me off thinking I can't do this anymore I'm so selfish and everytime I look at my boy without feelin guilt. Is this familiar to anyone?