View Full Version : sertraline side effects...

08-18-2012, 09:39 AM
Hiya everyone - once again I am back.
Good news is that my anxiety seems to be at bay. Obsessions are still there, and strong, but hey - they aren't controlling my life...much!
My obsessions at the minute are the weather, storms, Nibiru and 2012. So I've been quite busy :)

My question today though, is - does Sertraline cause loose stools? I have been on these meds for quite a while now, and in the past month, my stools have became really loose. TMI I'm sorry.
The reason it is causing me to worry a bit is that bowel cancer advert! Plus, the fact that I have always pretty much been constipated due to my anorexia.
Another possible side effect - my breasts have grown. I'm not complaining about that though :)

It did send my anxiety through the roof for a bit. My first thought was pregnancy. Thankfully though, one test put my mind at rest! Unlike my previous pregnancy scare with over 50 ha!

What my brain is thinking - I reckon the meds are working on my anxiety brilliantly. Which in turn is helping my eating, which helps my anorexia. So this could be the reason my stools are loose, and my breasts are growing. Could it just be my body going back to normal?? Since I have learned that my anorexia was controlled by anxiety. So technically, it wasn't anorexia...which would make the healing process easier and quicker?

Claire :)

08-18-2012, 11:03 AM
Cant say ive noticed that but i have ibs so it dont take much with me !! It cud just ure bowels reacting to you being anxious i no when i have bad days usually two days later my stomach is all over the place! I seriously doubt it is bowel cancer whatever u do dont google it, lol!! Ask a doc if your worried!


08-18-2012, 12:51 PM
I'm on sertraline and have noticed this recently. Get quite bloated, followed by loose stools (TMI, I know). Infact I seem to be getting many side-effect; night sweats, sore mouth and tongue and ibs. It is, however, helping with my anxiety.

08-18-2012, 01:07 PM
I haven't had that particular issue. What I have are vivid bad dreams and sometimes I startle awake which stinks then it is hard to get back to sleep. Take care.

Hiya everyone - once again I am back.
Good news is that my anxiety seems to be at bay. Obsessions are still there, and strong, but hey - they aren't controlling my life...much!
My obsessions at the minute are the weather, storms, Nibiru and 2012. So I've been quite busy :)

My question today though, is - does Sertraline cause loose stools? I have been on these meds for quite a while now, and in the past month, my stools have became really loose. TMI I'm sorry.
The reason it is causing me to worry a bit is that bowel cancer advert! Plus, the fact that I have always pretty much been constipated due to my anorexia.
Another possible side effect - my breasts have grown. I'm not complaining about that though :)

It did send my anxiety through the roof for a bit. My first thought was pregnancy. Thankfully though, one test put my mind at rest! Unlike my previous pregnancy scare with over 50 ha!

What my brain is thinking - I reckon the meds are working on my anxiety brilliantly. Which in turn is helping my eating, which helps my anorexia. So this could be the reason my stools are loose, and my breasts are growing. Could it just be my body going back to normal?? Since I have learned that my anorexia was controlled by anxiety. So technically, it wasn't anorexia...which would make the healing process easier and quicker?

Claire :)

08-18-2012, 01:14 PM
I get night sweats and sores in my mouth but i put it down to my anxiety not the pills but yeh like u say it helps so il just have to live with them!!


08-19-2012, 07:32 AM
I've been on it for the past few months...and have noticed loose stools also......also some slight weight gain.....although this may be because when I was stressed all the time, I wouldn't eat and looked like a walking skeleton. Now, I feel like my appetite has returned...
I had one or two days of a queasy stomach, but, it didn't really stick around too long.