View Full Version : Wrong move..It returned to visit...no mercy. Compliments of Viking Man.

08-18-2012, 12:48 AM

It again returned to the place that it apparently called home. I allowed it to live, I gave it a chance..it returned to my daughters room a few moments ago..

I was alarmed, yet again..called into action. Spontaniously.. Protect my family, protect my offspring...from a bat?

I did. Job is done...bat is now gone and will never return.

What an interesting night..

My wife STILL would not allow me to wear my "Berzerker" helmet...unfair.

Instincts overwhelm me at this moment,...I will calm shortly..This too shall pass..

The Eve of Bat Invasion within my home?...I dont think so....not allowed.



08-18-2012, 02:29 AM
You killed batman :'(

08-18-2012, 04:15 AM
omg what ..... what did i miss here ... bat? really? lol

08-18-2012, 06:32 AM
As my first post states, not a creature was stirring except for a bat..I trapped it, saved it and set if free. Only to hear screams a few hours later from my daughter and a friend..OMG!! THERES A HUGE BAT FLYING AROUND MY ROOM!! Hmm, what're the odds of the same one returning right after I let him fly away?..APPARENTLY VERY HIGH!! Bat wasn't given a second chance..1st chance was even abit kind, I think!... What an odd adventure..

Thank God its a new day!


08-18-2012, 07:39 AM
It's illegal to kill bats here in the uk lol

08-18-2012, 11:53 AM
bahahaaaha!!! It was hilarious around here! Wife runs through screaming OMG THERES A BAT IN THE KITCHEN!!...I trapped it, let her see it and then let it fly away.. I guess it flew right back into my daughters room upstairs where her and a friend were hanging out. Then, all sorts of noisy clatter and there they were in our room jumpin up and dwon screaming A BAT A BAT!!! WAA! WAAAAA!!!...yay....

(sigh)..His time of frolick and adventerous playfulness within my home ended in mere seconds..


LMAO!!! He's a road pancake now. Rest in peace...dumba**!

Kindest use of deadly force possible,
Enduronman.. (wonder what the neighbors thought seeing me standing outside yelling at the road with my Viking Berserker helmet on?..LMAO!)

08-18-2012, 12:03 PM
Haha oh yeah ace ventura hates bats! I'm sure if youd released it again and shut all your doors and windows it would of gone away. Poor bat :(

08-18-2012, 10:01 PM
E-man not to worry you but you MUST take your kids for anti rabies jab immediately.
I wont go into too much detail and panic anyone- but read the story of zach Johnson on google -he died of rabies after waking up
From a nap to find a bat in his room. Didn't even realise he'd been bitten. Sorry but better safe than sorry

08-18-2012, 10:30 PM
Charlosa.. His kid and her friend were awake.. they're 16 ( im pretty sure, from the posts i've read ) I'm pretty sure they would know if they got bit..

08-19-2012, 12:30 AM
sounds like an interesting night .............

it's illegal to kill bats here also .... but we don't have then flying around our rooms :P

08-19-2012, 12:30 PM
This comes to mind:



08-19-2012, 01:27 PM
bahaaahha!!! Hilarious!! Great movie too..Jim is a Master at Laughter!!

08-19-2012, 01:46 PM