View Full Version : Not a creature was stirring..EXCEPT FOR A BAT! YAY! Viking Man cometh...LOL!

08-17-2012, 10:09 PM

What a peaceful Friday eve..until! My wife comes into our living room to announce, that there is a HUGE BAT FLYING AROUND!! YAY!!! As she barricades herself into a back room, I react...instantly! Ahhh,...the hunt begins! and it ends in less then 2 minutes...I catch him. Put him in a glass whereas my wife had hope to view it...

My task is complete:
1. Do you wish to see the bat dear?
2. Is it alive?
3. Do you wish to see the bat dear?
4. Is it bloody?
5. Do you wish to see the bat dear?
6. Can it fly?

She finally sees it, I take it outside and throw it into the air where it begins its life fresh and anew...If it chooses to return to our 158 year old home, I won't be so kind again...BOO!

Have a great night...

Enduronman...(Vikings moment was very short lived..wa)