View Full Version : Newbie

08-17-2012, 06:26 PM
Hi all my name is Allan and have suffered with anxiety for years but have only just been diagnosed recently, I'm currently having cbt therapy which is a help, be good to here from anyone who has had the same. I'm currently on anti depressants also, be nice to talk to people as its something I normally avoid


08-17-2012, 06:44 PM
hi allan! welcome! i'd be curious to know how you're finding cbt therapy. i haven't tried it myself. how long have to been on anti depressants? i am of the mentality that drugs only suppress true healing for most anxiety sufferers. what's has your experience with them been like? what symptoms are you treating? all the best to you!!

08-17-2012, 08:02 PM
Welcome Allan!

08-18-2012, 01:33 AM
I've found the cbt therapy helpful for certain things, I worry alot which leads to my anxiety, when they explain how your mind works etc it's interesting, but getting your mind to adjust is very hard, my depression is due to a build up of bad past experiences that I never dealt with, so ended up having a breakdown, I imagine my anxiety is mild compared to others but it's still a horrible feeling loosing control and struggling to breathe

08-18-2012, 01:37 AM
I've found the cbt therapy helpful for certain things, I worry alot which leads to my anxiety, when they explain how your mind works etc it's interesting, but getting your mind to adjust is very hard, my depression is due to a build up of bad past experiences that I never dealt with, so ended up having a breakdown, I imagine my anxiety is mild compared to others but it's still a horrible feeling loosing control and struggling to breathe

Welcome Allan, I wish you the best. If you want to talk to any of us about anything do not hesitate.


08-18-2012, 01:59 AM
Hi Allan - and welcome to the mad house!

Near everyone on this forum suffers the same and we are very open with our experiences, sufferings, helping tips and tricks and even the odd profanities :-)

You've come to the right place.

Good to hear you've opted for CBT. To date, this is the most effective method of offloading all those built-up, passed, bad experiences you mention.
Such a build up leads to worry overload and this is when anxiety disorder strikes, since the brain cannot hold it all in anymore and anxiety effectively spills, or overflows and shows itself by way of physical symptoms, phobias and so on.

The quicker you accept and understand your condition the better, as from acceptance and understanding comes strength and control.

08-18-2012, 02:01 AM
Hi, i to take ADs and ive had cbt i do believe in meds i needed something to get me out of my breakdown and calm my body down in order to concentrate on cbt and counseling for them to work.


08-18-2012, 02:12 AM
Thanks for the welcome guys, is good to know I'm not the only one. I found the antidepressants definatly helped when I had my breakdown, I was also on diazepam and zopiclone for sleeping, insomnia is a problem for me, instead of going to bed when I'm tired I force myself to stay awake, then when I do want to sleep I can't, It's horrible how much these problems affect your body, I have no muscle strength, ache all the time and generally struggle to want to do anything, I went through a stage where I wouldant leave the house and the thought of seeing people would make me gag, but I'm slowly getting past that now

08-18-2012, 02:21 AM
I HATE, LOATHE, DETEST the fact that I have had to take medication for an 'effing mental illness, however, I have to say that even 1mg (half a tablet) of Diazepam puts a soothing smile on my face when desperacy gets the better of me.

Don't be affraid to take the tried and tested medication as prescribed by your medical doctor but heed... in knowing that this kinda medication is NOT curing a physical condition but rather is masking an underlying mental condition - then try your absolute hardest to ONLY take it when absolutely necessary and NOT on a habitual daily basis.

Anxiety and the transient, physical symptoms thereof will NOT kill you. Bare with it/them as much as you can before resorting to pill popping.

Simply having a few pills in your pocket is often comforting enough to keep anxiety at bay.

Beta blockers should be the first port of call in my opinion. They don't knock you out. Their effect is mild, but they help reduce the heart rate which has an overall, dampening affect on all aspects of anxiety.

08-18-2012, 03:14 AM
I took 2mg of diazapan for a week in the initial thros of it now i carry it in my purse everyday but i havnt touched it for a year just knowning it is there is enough but i take ads ( sertraline) everyday but i am slowing coming off that now!


08-18-2012, 03:55 AM
Well done Kelly-Belly! :-)

08-18-2012, 04:11 AM
Lol havnt bin called that since school! Im not a fan of meds but its good to no if i get in a state there is something that will calm me down!!
