View Full Version : constant nauea

03-01-2007, 07:59 AM
hi im an 18 yr old and for the past 4 months i'd had constant nausea and every now and then i get chest pains...i am reluctant to go out with my friends because my nausea is worse when i go out. i have had ultrasounds, andoscapys, blood tests and everything. Im pretty sure its not physical so im thinking its anxiety. i just want to know how i can get rid of this constant nausea so i can get on with my life. has anyone else had this problem??

03-01-2007, 11:18 AM
Hi Nathan. I know what you're going through. Nausea is the most common symptom of my anxiety. I'm nauseous more often than not. What works best for me is trying to stay calm -- easier said than done, I know. Another thing I rely on is DISTRACTION. If my mind is occupied and focused on something else, I subconsciously calm down, stop focusing on the nausea, and it gets better.

It's a difficult problem. It's natural to not want to go out when you're feeling like you're going to throw up, but the more you avoid, the harder it's going to be to go out in the future, the more anxiety you will have and the more nauseous you will feel. Vicious cycle. Have you gone for therapy? If you haven't, you should find a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, group or read a book about it. It can give you techniques to deal with the anxiety. Less anxiety will equal less nausea.

I know it's hard, but force yourself to go out even when you are nauseous. I tend to carry anti-nauseants with me -- just in case. I usually don't take them, but they're there as a security blanket. The one that worked best for me was the Scopolamine patch. You wear it behind your ear and leave it on for a few days. It doesn't make you really groggy like most anti-nauseants. I found it very helpful when I was getting over agoraphobia. It made it much easier for me to get out and do things -- and the more I got out and did things, the less anxiety those things caused. Getting out and NOT feeling nauseous, or going through spells of nausea while you're out and getting through them and realizing they're not the end of the world, builds up your confidence. Eventually, I found myself not needing anti-nauseants anymore. I still get nauseous, but I always know it will pass. I try to focus on deep breathing and I always carry peppermints with me. Peppermint confuses the gag reflex and is a great help with nausea.

One more thing that might be a useful -- drug-free -- solution is Ginger Capsules. Ginger is a natural anti-nauseant. Ginger tea works well too.

I hope you can get some therapy and find some ways to deal with the anxiety that's making you feel so sick. I know how awful it is. It's hard to focus on anything or feel like doing anything when you're almost constantly nauseous.

03-01-2007, 06:06 PM
ye i am goin to start therapy and hopefully i learn how to control or even get rid of this nausea. Thanx juliana for your help much apprieciated

03-12-2007, 04:51 AM
Eating a food that you are allergic to could lead to the biochemical imbalance in the brain which directly causes the migraine headache. So may changes in altitude, weather, or sleeping patterns, being tired or stressed, or hormonal changes during PMS or menopause.

Conventional treatments work on the end cause only

03-16-2007, 07:43 PM
when I was fighting in a taekwondo tournament I got so nervious after winning a couple of fights that I started to feel dizzy and almost threw up in the middle of the figh because i was focusing too much on the people who were looking at me.

so yeah i suppose when you are under alot of pressure vomitting can certainly be an axiety symptom

03-17-2007, 01:49 PM
The book helps alot, like this forum, and also searching for more information online.

First step is realizing whats going on. Then submitting to the fakt that you have anxiety and it probably wont go away until you do something about it (like leaving your house, otherwise you kan get a kase of agoraphobia).

So maybe going out is the best thing for you. I know its hard as hell, and you will probably feel like jumping out of a window of a kar and running in the opposite direktion to your house, but after a while it isnt so bad.

I had agoraphobia, and i joined my first band that aktually played shows.

I made my girlfriend, at that time, pull over five times. We were right outside even and i was STILL konsidering turning back, but after the last time that i had a freak out i got up and said "Fuck it".

I held my head up high and pretended there was nothing going on, and i think konquered that day.

check it out:


im the dude with the venom shirt on the left side with the green light shining on.

sorry, i posted this, but that was still one of my most memorable moments.