View Full Version : now, this is my last post asking for help. I promise. someone talk some sense into me

08-17-2012, 12:20 PM
When you're going to have a heart attack, your left arm remains numb right? ( i know im not, but i just want to educate myself so my anxiety doesn't freak me out )

08-17-2012, 05:36 PM
Dear Son,

The only way that you are ever going to have a heart attack is if any of the following happen:

1. You are suddenly introduced to This Crazy Viking man that sometimes takes control over me...unlikely.
2. You continue to eat red meat every day of your life as you stated you do...stop.
3. You are suddenly dropped into the center of Africa without food, water, nor a pocket knife...unlikely.
4. You are strapped into the cockpit of the Endeavor along side a chimpanzee, countdown to launch...unlikely.
5. You are duct taped to a Ballistic Nuclear Missle and fired into the Arabian Sea...unlikely.

So, that being said...enough of the heart attack crap already! Because that is not what it is SON!!!...

Now, go have fun and enjoy being 15!!!!


08-17-2012, 06:10 PM
scrubbed this message because i was off my face (drunk) and talking crap! lol

08-17-2012, 11:32 PM

terd causes numbness? 0_0

08-17-2012, 11:44 PM
dead. haha i think it might be carpel tunnel syndrome.

but its kinda how your foot feels after sitting cross legged on it for a while.. that heavy feeling.

its in my hand. not really my whole arm.

always left too. sometimes its on my right hand, but mostly left

08-17-2012, 11:44 PM
im also left handed.

08-17-2012, 11:54 PM
thanks mate.

08-18-2012, 01:30 AM
>Had it in both hands and its a real numb feeling but only in two fingers, mostly when sleeping

How do you know if you're asleep? :-P

Good post, Forwells. Hopefully it's put young Tristans mind at rest.

I find it really odd (and sad) reading of anxiety and physical symptoms thereof in such young kids. I hadn't even heard of anxiety disorder until January this year (when I was diagnosed) and I'm nearly 42.

One thing that just struck me with the relationship between numbness and fight or flight is that, if we were to choose FIGHT in a situation, then surely a numb (blood-less) arm & hands isn't going to help one bit?
Imagine it... while fending off a tiger our numb arms would be flopping about like a rag doll. Not much use? lol

This leads me to believe that we would invariably choose FLIGHT (run Forest, run!), which in turn tells me that the human is perhaps a bit of a wussy :-)

08-18-2012, 05:34 AM
Yeh i get numbness on my face, i used to get it in my legs to!


08-18-2012, 05:40 AM
Yeh i get numbness on my face, i used to get it in my legs to!


Not good for when shaving legs... might accidentally amputate it, lol

08-18-2012, 09:55 AM
lol dazza...

you should think about it logically (which i never do when it comes to anxiety)

while your hands are numb, you can still move and control them.. with that being said, you wont feel pain in your extremities while fighting.. I went into my fight response while at a competition for tae kwon do (sparring) I didnt feel a thing... walked out unhurt. the next day, i find out i sprained my ankle realllll bad.. had to be on crutches for 2 weeks.