View Full Version : Drowsy

08-16-2012, 08:36 PM
Does anyone feel anxiety and panic when they get drowsy? I have a herniated disc in my back and I won't take muscle relaxers or pain killers because when I get drowsy I tend to panic. It's also before I go to bed or of I wake up to go to the bathroom. It seems that when I'm drowsy or not fully awake my mind races to find ways to make me panic. Sounds feelings anything can set me off then. Any ideas how I would approach lessening the intensity of my drowsy panic attacks would help. Thanks
Fry hole

08-16-2012, 08:55 PM
I can totally relate, whenever I get tired my mind starts wondering and the anxiety kicks in. I am so bad that when I wake up during the night to use the bathroom I take my phone with me because my anxiety gets so bad that I am afraid I will be sick or collapse in the bathroom and will have to call for help. God, just writing that makes me realize how insane my anxiety really is.