View Full Version : How easily are you triggered?

08-16-2012, 06:23 AM
I've gotten to the point I all but avoid news about health, science and even weather. I can be triggered into anxiety so easily depending on what's going on in my life.

Case in point: read an article about a musician who just died recently from pancreatic cancer. Now I cannot stop thinking I have it. Every little pain I immediately associate with it for a few days, until I calm down and something else replaces that thought with an equally dire one.

08-16-2012, 09:22 AM
I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes watching csi or ncis will even trigger one! So I watch a lot of pawn stars now and American pickers, lol!!

08-16-2012, 12:49 PM
The timing of this question, is literally perfect...because although there are only 5 words in the sentence? The answer is not as simple...(Going to force my friend DazzMaster J's eyes to cross, for my own entertainment!..while Michael Jackson plays softly in the background of course...)

This is an exact, example of how easily I am triggered:
1. I ask a certain member of my household if they would like to read a posted thread on here?
2. This individual says sure, why not because it will help to give me an idea as to how you think also.
3. I ask this person to simply start reading at the top paragraph, and continue reading each individual reply in order until you reach the end but please do not ask me any questions during this period of reading and understanding, and also please just refrain from talking or commenting until the posted thread has ended.
4. Said person sits down and begins to read, and makes it to my particular reply which is obviously abit more lengthy then the previous 3 they have read.
5. The individual then says "OMG do I have to read all of that too?"....

TRIGGER HAS BEEN PULLED! BOOM! NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST!!!! AN IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE HAS JUST BEEN DETONATED IN MY KITCHEN AND JUST BLOWN THIS PERSONS LEFT LEG OFF INSTANTLY!.. I am now calm however..and let me explain why this issues that others may find as no big deal to them, is a huge ordeal to me..Also, this person literally has no idea what they just did. So, I immediately close the computer in attempts to prevent any further explosions only to hear these words "Oh, so now you don't want me to read it?".."What is it some kind of Secret Society of something?"...Holy S**t!! I had to RUN FORREST RUN!!! ... A kind offering and gesture to give this person an open and transparent view of me, and my mind farts..Was then suddenly changed from a kind, caring, and honest invitation to read what is inside on my mind TO is this some sort of Secret Lair that you don't want me to know about?...

Now, here is the cause of that eventful "triggered" moment. (Head spinning yet Dazzmanian J?)...I have been wired a certain way. I think in a certain way. I do all I can to prevent these sudden explosions because I give each person "An Instruction Manual of Me" before they even proceed with what they're getting ready to even do. I "foresee" all the potentials, possibilities, or probabilities of (trigger, conflict, anger, impulse, rage) and I tell them all of these things before they begin for a reason. Obviously, this person, earlier in this week it was both of my parents..that did not hear, understand, acknowledge, or implement anything I had attempted to prepare them all for...Guess what?..They were all at some point, mad at me because the outcome of "their own agency or decision" wasn't very pleasant or nice for them..even though I "Provided each of them with an intruction manual, directions, and a map too"...designed specifically for each individual event, issue, circumstance, or outcome whether it included ME or not.

So, the answer to your simple question is this. I have spent the last 26 years of my life, walking around on thin ice and hanging by a thread but have not ever fallen through, or nor has this thread frayed either. Why?..Because I was forced to live my life this way to try to "pre-empt" my failure because of my fragile mind and mental illnesses GALORE..I think and process things very quickly and the answers to the questions in my mind, or from any outsider is answered in a manner that is from a few steps ahead to many steps ahead of anything, taking place, anywhere, at anytime with regard to anyone..

What is my trigger?..There isnt enough space on this hard drive to store this answer.

Brain Splatter!...splat

Enduronman..LOL! :)

08-16-2012, 01:30 PM
After you've calmed down do you ever feel guilty about the way you reacted or do you think people just expect it of you now? Not trying to offend, just curious.

08-16-2012, 01:35 PM
Only managed first paragraph then self combusted!

Bit busy tonight so can't tribute much... but to answer original question, a trigger is now automatic & very easy. Brain is hot-wired this way so it's pretty regular. Ive noticed that even boredom is a trigger now.. lol

08-16-2012, 01:46 PM

@J89, No I dont. Why? Because if said person asked me not to speak, while reading...I wouldnt. If said person asked me not to ask questions, I wouldnt. If said person asked me not to walk on their white rug with shoes on, I wouldnt. If said person asked not to make noises, I wouldnt. ....I understand the reasons for each individual persons request, it is to suit them. Therefore, I follow their wish, direction, or command to make THEM comfortable. It seems so difficult to understand with me though...and IDK why? They cant hear? IDK....They just IGNORE THE WISH OR REQUEST AND DO THEIR OWN THING, WHICH IN TURN...POOF! and then they're mad...at me....LMAO!!!

08-16-2012, 02:09 PM
At least you try and make your wife understand why you act the way you do.

08-16-2012, 02:26 PM
I like how he thinks, it really reminds me of someone close to me! LOL the earlier comment is almost exactly how the person close to me thinks, basically there is no trigger, its his mind, he doesnt decide when to snap it snaps for him, theres no guilt afterwards because in his world he was right. if we thought about it properly we could see his logic, all in all its amazing, to us its like someones just walked into our house and spat in our face, thats the sort of rage and shock that that person did that, that goes through them (maybe not my strange friend but definately with the person close to me) its also very scary! LOL theres no cure for that way of thinking, like my strange friend said thats how hes wired...

said person
08-16-2012, 02:36 PM

Please call me.

...your wife.

08-16-2012, 02:58 PM


HILARIOUS!!! I'm going to hide in the closet now...:)

08-16-2012, 03:02 PM

I give them an "Instruction Booklet" written in English before hand!!! I know what's going to happen, before it has the chance too!!! I have specific protocol that I have had to create throughout my life to manage this disorder or it wouldv'e already managed to kill me!!!... WHY IS IT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND??? wa.


08-16-2012, 03:49 PM
Back to triggers....my most recent one was getting dressed to go to church. I had a shirt on that I love. This day, however, it felt uncomfortable. It make me feel uncomfortable. I pulled, tugged, nothing helped! I felt stuck in it! Lol! So within minutes I'm sweating, breathing hard, full on panic attack!!!!!!! I ended up missing church and felt horrible for hours.
So for me its different things that other people would probably call stupid!
God bless!

08-17-2012, 01:24 AM
Back to triggers....my most recent one was getting dressed to go to church. I had a shirt on that I love. This day, however, it felt uncomfortable. It make me feel uncomfortable. I pulled, tugged, nothing helped! I felt stuck in it! Lol! So within minutes I'm sweating, breathing hard, full on panic attack!!!!!!! I ended up missing church and felt horrible for hours.
So for me its different things that other people would probably call stupid!
God bless!

This is kinda familiar.

Getting ready to go out can start me off on one. It's not actually the clothes (crutchless spiderman outfit) for me - it's more the urgency to get ready. Rushing about, hopping around with one leg caught in the jeans... watching the clock thinking, "Shit I gotta be ready in 10 minutes".

Rushing and leaving things 'til the last minute is not good for anxiety. Always best to allow plenty of time and do things S L O W L Y.

jon mike
08-17-2012, 11:24 AM
Just hearing Jeremy kyle triggers me everytime. The man just utterly appauls me. I cant believe how people watch him

08-17-2012, 12:05 PM
Lol I like to laugh at all the pathetic twats on the Jeremy Kyle show and he gets so worked up it's hilarious even though he is a complete hypocrite!

08-18-2012, 04:35 PM
I have many different triggers. One is driving somewhere, being bored, having to pay bills, not enough sleep, eating can be one..... I could go on and on unfortunately.

08-18-2012, 06:13 PM
I have many triggers once I am in anxiety mode ( can go months without any episodes ) but whenever there is a big change in my life, husband going to ER for heart issues, son ( who is autistic ) has severe behavior problems that come in out of nowhere which can be quite violent, family member passing away...then I go into months of anxiety where the little triggers come into play such as going to the store, work, and going to bed is extremely difficult at times as I will start breathing weird and then the heart starts to race as fast as my thoughts and BOOM, I am in a full blown panic that keeps me up for a couple of hours till I pass out from exhaustion.

I have been told that I have Ajustment anxiety disorder that develops when a change in my life happens. So I guess I don't care for changes in my comfort zone.

08-19-2012, 07:13 AM
I honestly think I have adjustment anxiety disorder as well......any deviation from my normal schedule is hard for me to process and is enough to push me into a full blown panic attack if I do not take xanax. I need to plan virtually EVERYTHING in my life out....so im not left without a plan, ever. And to make it worse, a,plan A is not good enough, I need a backup plan as well. Arg!!!!!!!