View Full Version : Is this part of GERD? (not terd) haha

08-15-2012, 09:03 PM
i just overate, and my chest feels like something is laying on it.. not pressure. maybe because im just so aware of my chest area that i feel more alert to whatever touches it, idk..

but my stomach is very full, and my chest is bugging me..
does this happen when you over eat?

08-16-2012, 12:45 AM
A few weeks back I went for an all-you-can-eat-lard-arse-chinese buffet meal.

The meal was fantastic, but I paid for it afterward.

Although I've rid myself of full-blown panic attacks and, to a good degree, anxiety itself... some physical symptoms prevail, namely a bloated chest sensation (together with acid) and sometimes a tingly left arm.
I've noticed that these occur during times of stress (even mild) but dissappear otherwise, therefore I can safely put these symptoms down to anxiety.

Anyway, after the meal (and a pint of guiness) I felt bloated (stomach) and this was enough to trigger anxiety... so, chest starts to tighten in the restaurant and I notice a strange uneasy feeling in my head.
BY the time we'd got home some half hour later... my entire chest (from left armpit to right) was actually really painful and took a few hours to feck off.

As I suggested a wee while back, I think this is Terdy Gerdy but have yet to have it confirmed by docs. I might make an appointment for tomorrow or early next week... and of course I'll let you know.

I recall my second panic attack some 7 months ago now was a similar scenario (but without the food to begin with). Chest was killing me. I thought I was having a heart attack and literally held my arms out as if to say "ok... take me if you want me". Kinda like the pose that Kate Winslet did on the bow of Titanic.

Oddly... I never called for an ambulance. At the very back of my mind I must have had a suspicion of what was actually occuring...