View Full Version : Looking for people like me!

08-15-2012, 02:42 PM
Hello, i haven't posted in a while but I'm back feeling as if I'm at square one, again.
Rough summery: i am terrified of germs and getting ill, mainly the stomach viruses! This is because i have a strong fear of vomiting so from these fears i have noticed i have OCD, rarely go out and when i do go out i find myself counting down the incubation period of a stomach bug (24-48 hours) and get myself into a serious panic throughout those hours. Every time i feel something in my stomach i think "thats it, I'm ill" i constantly check my temperature and look out for any symptoms.
Right now I'm in my 31st hour or so (terrible at maths!!) and feeling on edge..well, i was, i feel a lot calmer now that I've channeled my attention to writing and to watching the tv! However, i know soon as i have stopped writing i will be a wreck until it hits about 4 O'clock tomorrow afternoon (incubation period over)
I just want to know if anyone in here has a fear of vomiting, scared of stomach viruses, OCD or anything that I've mentioned!
Also, does anyone know the difference between real nausea and fake (anxiety) nausea?
It is defiantly something i struggle with, i would really like to here any stories for telling the difference, tips and tricks.
Thank you

08-15-2012, 03:33 PM
Welcome back Anna!

I wish I could relate to any of those issues, but it seems as if God has given me everything else other then this one. I do know that there are other people on here with "phobias" of all sorts and varieties though so I'm sure that they'll be able to relate to yours.. We are all unique in our own ways for sure..

Nice to meet you and goodluck too!

Enduronman. :)

08-15-2012, 03:40 PM
Oh wow, what a lovely warm welcome back!
Thank you Enduronman, nice to meet you too!

08-15-2012, 03:51 PM
Hi Anna

Although I do suffer some health anxiety (and therefore can relate to your irrationalism - as this is the primary dysfunction), I cannot relate to your particular issues.
(I'm sure there are others on here that can, however)

Strange you have a fear of vomiting. Why is this, exactly? do you fear you may rupture your stomach? your eyes might pop out or you may poop yourself?
(I mean - what's the REAL fear here?)


08-15-2012, 04:02 PM
Haha! No, I'm not afraid i will poop myself when i vomit, haha!
Theres a few reasons really!
i hate the nauseated build up of it all really, it makes me very emotional and i get very annoyed with myself when i am unable to to vomit straight away.
I had stomach bug when i was younger and that sent me into anorexia and anxiety. So, I'm scared of becoming anorexic again and putting my parents through the upset, stress and pain of trying to deal with me.
I also hate not being able to breath properly, or breath at all so when i feel nauseous, i know i might be sick and with that i wont be able to breath. Even if i cant breath for a second, it sends me into a panic. Therefore, when i panic whilst vomiting i hyperventilate which make its harder to breath and also prolongs the vomiting and makes it harder. Also because i don't vomit all the time obviously i cant train myself to handle it better when actually doing to deed.
Its just something that brings up, emotions, painful memories, stress and self loathing for me.


08-15-2012, 04:24 PM
Ok, I see your problem then luvvy.
You have anxiety through a past, traumatic event which is an absolutely classic (and very treatable - may I add) case.
This is SO classic and text-book, that you could put a cherry on top of it and call it a Bakewell tart! (yummm)

Have you seen any kind of councellor or therapist for this?
A good cognetive therapist would likely put you right quite quickly I'd say.

08-15-2012, 04:39 PM
Yeah, i started seeing a councillor yesterday actually :)
But i think we are going to focus on my OCD first, i see that more of a serious issue than my vomiting fear. I mean yeah, i hate vomiting but the fact that i rarely go out anymore, my hands are raw from persistent hand washing and being particular of what i touch, even in my own house is really starting to take me as a prisoner :)
So it makes sense to sort out the OCD first :)

08-15-2012, 09:23 PM
Hi I'm Jan and I'm a germaphobe among other things... But it not just stomach viruses I'm afraid of, it's food poisoning. I have a hard time eating things that other people have made cause I don't know if it was defrosted correctly or cooked long enough etc. I also wash my hands allot. I've been like this for a very long time and it's gotten worse over time. I too count down the hours until I know I'm clear after I've eaten something I think might have not been cooked properly!!!! It' so sad! I look for expiration dates on everything!

08-16-2012, 03:43 AM
Hello Jan!
I also have fear of food poisoning but its not as severe as stomach bugs but i think thats because I'm very particular of what i eat.
My mum, dad and gran are amazing cooks and my gran worries about food poisoning so she is very careful of cooking. Also, my boyfriend is a chef and he is also emet so he understands and is very careful when cooking for me in particular :)

But, i do also check expiration dates on everything!! Especially Dairy, I'm a nightmare with Dairy!! Every time i have a cup of tea i check the date of the milk, smell it and then most of the time ask someone if its in date, i even do that if already used the milk that day, its just habit :)

I also don't really eat at restaurants incase it has been contaminated in oneway or another, so buffets are a huuuuge no, no!

I always think counting down the hours will put my mind at ease but lets admit it, it makes us panic like HELL! Every change in temperature and stomach gurgle, we panic like theres no tomorrow!
I think after eating we should try and not work out the time we are in the clear zone or start counting down hours :) be it not taking your watch with your or turning your phone off, just make sure you are occupied! That tends to help when i counting down the hours :)


08-16-2012, 11:27 AM
I have a fear of food poisoning also. I had a very bad case of salmonella when I was 13. 23 years later it still scares me. Probably mostly because I take lithium for bipolar disorder. The level can become toxic by taking a normal dose and then becoming dehydrated. I've been to the ER countless times the last 14 years just for IV fluids..usually from the flu. But I totally understand fear of food borne illness. You aren't alone in that.

08-16-2012, 11:39 AM
Hi Luckydog!
Oh my, I'm really sorry to hear that!
Its strange how you can remember something so small as an illness when you were young, but not remember anything else, or few things from that age!