View Full Version : I'm scared to drive to school or anything else for that matter

08-15-2012, 08:46 AM
Well I just got my license, so now everyone thinks that I should be driving everywhere. But the thing is, I haven't had much experience, and I get nervous when I even drive to school, and I get really nervous when I drive to somewhere I haven't driven before.

I have a twin sister, but she likes driving more than I do. My older sister tells me, "this year, I'm not driving you to school! You have to drive yourself!" I just feel like she's putting me under a lot of pressure. My mom wants me to drive too, but I dont want to say no to her because I'll feel ashamed.

What should I do?

08-15-2012, 09:11 AM
Stand tall, proud, firm, and without fear announce to your ENTIRE FAMILY that in all honesty and truthfulness...Driving a car alone frightens me, scares me, petrifies me, and I do not know why so don't offer or try to figure it out either please. I do not need for any of you to try to figure it, or me, or my thoughts out..they're just there, period.

Will any of you, are any of you, strong enough..to help me, to help myself?

If you are, then all I ask if for 1, 2, or all of you to be with me until I myself feel comfortable with this fear that I did not sign up for...

(Let them answer, the actual question? Can, will, are they capable of helping you? Remember, you did not ask them to analyze you so if they start to do that, STOMP IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY.. Will anyone step forward to please help me as I asked? Simple question, I demand a simple answer.. Thank you.)

There ya go...follow it, write it, present it, fix it,..at your OWN pace..not their pace...Get it?

