View Full Version : Please help... Every morning i wake w anxiety

08-15-2012, 07:09 AM
Every morning I wake up worrying! I can't stand it! I over analyze every thing I feel (why this and why that). I end up blaming my sleepiness on something other than just being sleepy (maybe its chronic fatigue, low blood pressure, cancer, MS, etc). I am miserable and I keep making myself even more miserable. I keep waiting for some kind of disaster to happen and every day it's as if life is like an endurance test!!!! I'm so effing sick of this shit but I can't seem to talk myself into thinking better thoughts... I mean I can MAKE myself think positive things (and i try to force myself to do that) but those thoughts won't seem to come naturally... hence the constant feeling of battling myself EVERY FREAKING DAY! Can I just get a flipping break already?!?!?! Why why why why why can't I just be happy, joyful, at peace and enjoying this life I've been giving? What the hell is wrong with me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok sooner girl
08-15-2012, 04:06 PM
You are not alone, I feel the same way. My dr ran every blood test she could came back normal, I even did a HIV and STD check everything was normal. She put me back on Paxil and xanax as needed, its helping a little more each day. I hate feeling tired and useless.

08-15-2012, 04:47 PM
May I tell you a secret?
Are you sitting comfortably?

Ok then...

The way you are feeling right now... it's not actually you (< make a mental note of this)
If you consider that YOU, as a person, is based entirely on the way that your brain functions, then it doesn't take too much to realise that... if anxiety is a brain imbalance, then that means that YOU (as a brain) are temporarily imbalanced, so YOU are not YOU right now.

Worry not... once this temporary malfunction has been rectified YOU will be YOU again.

Effectively you are wearing a mask right now. The anxiety mask.
This mask can be removed to let the person underneath free again.

A state of mind my dear chap... a state of mind.

08-15-2012, 09:43 PM
Thanks for responding you two...

08-16-2012, 06:21 AM
Mornings are always the worst for me. Sometimes I wake up anxious with no idea why.

08-16-2012, 11:08 AM
Thanks kwells, nice to know I'm not alone. Anxiety sucks!

08-16-2012, 08:46 PM
I was having major anxiety attacks when I would first wake up, I think it had a lot to do with waking up to the kids asking for something or yelling. Anyway I started setting an alarm for 30min before everyone else in the house I use that time to sit quietly with a cup of tea in bed and do a breathing exercise. It really has helped, or did, I haven't done it in 2 weeks, but the last 2 weeks have been hell with anxiety and panic.

08-25-2012, 03:15 PM
Lately I have been getting morning anxiety as well not sure why that time of day. Its not like I have coffee before bed or anything.

08-25-2012, 07:59 PM
I wake up every morning and immediately have a minor panic attack. They are just small heart flutters but I kinda get what you're talking about from time to time as well.
Have you tried meditating?
I suggest sitting up in your bed after you wake up. Don't get out or anything yet (unless you have to pee) but then get back in.
Sit up, and for 5 minutes (I set an alarm on my phone) just focus on taking deep breaths. Listen to nothing but your breathing ( you should be in a quiet place) and just focus on your breathing. Try not to control your thoughts, just let them flow and keep breathing. Deep breaths from deep in your belly. Then maybe you'll feel a little better. Do this for 5 min every morning

08-25-2012, 08:57 PM
Kww is so right; breathing exercises are critical for those with anxiety. I would suggest acceptance is the beginning to overcome your morning worries


08-26-2012, 07:00 PM
I agree with kww1590. Waking up early, before everyone else, can be a huge help. Having some quiet time to deep breathe and/or watch a familiar tv show. I watch Roseanne. Silly, yes. But knowing I can queue it up on my phone at any time and watch it is a comfort. Find a calming routine that works for you and that will help chip away at the morning beast.

08-31-2012, 09:55 PM
A routine has been a huge help for me. My routine includes a 30min or so walk with my dog before the world is awake.
If you have the time something similar may help.