View Full Version : Taste of blood/metallic taste when I burp! Help!

08-15-2012, 06:43 AM
Yesterday, I noticed the taste of blood/metallic taste when I burp. I burped about 3-4 times within 2 hours from the first one, and tasted blood in each burp. I don't have any stomach pain, but I do have digestion problems (I think she said it was indigestion, and it's most likely from ice pops, I had too many when I first started to feel like there was something in my throat/feeling like I need to burp) and I take pills every morning for it. I do also have anxiety problems (not sure if it's a disorder or whatever, but I do have blood clot suspicions and I did kinda panic when I tasted the blood, thinking a blood clot got into my lungs or something.) I don't have any stomach pain though, and due to that, I'm not sure if it's anything dangerous, but you never know. That's why I came here. I felt I needed to post this because I haven't been pooping every 2 days and I'm starting to taste the blood/metallic taste sometimes when I drink and eat. Feel free to ask further questions if I'm not giving off enough information. I am 13 by the way. I'm not sure if that helps lol. Thanks in advance.

08-15-2012, 08:06 AM
Read the label of ingredients of the "pills you take every morning".

If 1 or more of those ingredients are called: Iron, magnesium, zinc, copper then that's why you taste something "metallic"....because these are actual METALS.

Have a nice day.


08-21-2012, 08:35 AM
Read the label of ingredients of the "pills you take every morning".

If 1 or more of those ingredients are called: Iron, magnesium, zinc, copper then that's why you taste something "metallic"....because these are actual METALS.

Have a nice day.


Hey E-Man, I thought I responded to this before, but I guess I didn't. I take NEXIUM 40 MG which is for acid reflex I think. Do you know if it has any of that stuff? I came back here because I had the blood burp twice not too long ago today. I also take MethylPREDNISolone. I started using it again today.

08-21-2012, 08:58 AM
Although I have not searched for the ingredients of Nexium, I'm sure that if it designed for acid reflux or anything to do with the stomach then more then likely there is magnesium, calcium, carbonate, so yes that would explain the metallic taste. I do however, have a concern for these abundance of burps you say that you're having as that is telling me that the Nexium is not producing the right environment in your stomach acids and is producing gas/air..I would be curious to see what something like (famotidine) would do instead. Same type of medication, just generic, cheaper, older. Why are you taking oral synthetic steroids at the moment?.. They are generally used for immune system supression. They are "catabolic" which means to "break down, destroy, tear apart" whereas "anabolic" means to "build up, increase, grow"...Just wondering friend..


08-22-2012, 09:22 AM
Although I have not searched for the ingredients of Nexium, I'm sure that if it designed for acid reflux or anything to do with the stomach then more then likely there is magnesium, calcium, carbonate, so yes that would explain the metallic taste. I do however, have a concern for these abundance of burps you say that you're having as that is telling me that the Nexium is not producing the right environment in your stomach acids and is producing gas/air..I would be curious to see what something like (famotidine) would do instead. Same type of medication, just generic, cheaper, older. Why are you taking oral synthetic steroids at the moment?.. They are generally used for immune system supression. They are "catabolic" which means to "break down, destroy, tear apart" whereas "anabolic" means to "build up, increase, grow"...Just wondering friend..


I am using the oral synthetic steroids because I had a panic attack about 3-5 weeks ago and I have been having shortness of breath since then.. Except this shortness of breath is ALL THE TIME. I thought a blood clot got into my lungs. I don't know what it is :(. I have anxiety over my breathing sometimes too. How would I get this famotidine?

08-22-2012, 09:45 AM

(Famotidine) is an OTC generic form of (Pepcid) as their patent expired. You can buy it anywhere but would suggest a local "BIG RETAILER" rather then the smaller drugstore chains that are always right across the street from each other if you've ever noticed that? It's just how they try to go nose to nose and compete for your dollars...idiots I think!. As far as shortness of breath goes, there are a number of inhalers available also but they're prescription only like (advair, symbacort, albuterol) that helps people with asthma and such. They're called (broncodilators) and are basically (corticosteroids) that are inhaled that open up the airways.. it would greatly alleviate the shortness of breath "all the time" that you're experiencing...It will take your focus off of your heart, lungs, chest area and help with worry, thought, and anxiousness too....
