View Full Version : What an amazing place..I came to help, but I also learned too..COOL!

08-14-2012, 10:12 PM
Hey AF Members,

Yes, some of my threads make no legible sense but in them somewhere there actually is logical sense. The point of this post is to say that I too learned alot here as well, about myself. I was, at times, searching for some particular or specific answer to a question I truly couldn't answer myself. Today, I realized why I was awoken so many times because there was an initial trigger in my mind that formed a question of some sort, only to realize that when it abruptly woke me up to address it or answer it..I had no idea what the question was, it was gone. I now know what that question was. It was "Can I explain my own method or style of thoughts, problem solving, understanding, equating, and formulating an answer?"...

It came to me, when I put together a couple of events of today. My mother was stressed, upset, bothered, by something that I had already told her that she would be if she chose to do as she did. It all happened, exactly as I had told her that it would before she even went. My father was stressed, upset, bothered, by something that I had also already told him he would be if he chose to do as he thought he needed to do, exactly as i told him that it would before he even did it..I was supposed to answer as to how I know these things, before they happen, and also to figure out my type of thought processess. I can't yet. I'm not sure how to even find this answer. I have searched and searched for this answer today..The problem is that if the actual question is not worded exactly precise, you'll never obtain the exact and correct answer. This is complex as hell to me, and I didnt even know or realize that I ever needed to learn this to begin with..The purpose in seeking this answer? I have no idea, but that's how I have always learned about myself anyway. One thing, leads to another, and another..Its really weird. I have used this same style of thinking and thought throughout my whole life. Also, attaching the variables to everyone when answering any question that most see as just requiring a simple yes or no. I am incapable of just answering any question, that may impact me, a friend, family, people I care about, people in my circle of life because if I can pre-empt their stress, then I can pre-empt my own stress...if they listen and understand what I'm saying and why. Most don't..then it all comes back to you know where?..Yup, ME.

So, that's what I have learned here and also what I must answer somehow too. I wont stop searching, until I can explain the answer in great detail. I also learned that although I threw my books at a teacher when I was 13, and never opened another that our educational systems deem necessary for me to know..I haven't ever stopped learning from that very day. I just learn all this hogwash jibber jabber from the world, the people in it, and life itself. It challenges me every single day, in some new way, shape, or form yet theres no one to announce the assignment to me so I can study for it. It just smacks me in the face!..Why does my brain seem to think I need to know so much crap? I don't know yet, I can't answer that, it won't tell me...

Enough brainscatter-teaser-bending-boggleing-bullshit for me today...

The End.


08-14-2012, 10:50 PM
I enjoy reading your posts! Funny, exciting,helpful and enjoyable. Please stay and help more! Your posts in some cases seem to help more than therapists do. Maybe you missed your calling.
