View Full Version : Question about heart palpitations

08-14-2012, 05:03 PM
Hello all...

Like many, I suffer from anxiety. I have many of the symptoms listed, buy the most bothersome one for me are the mind haunting palpitations.

To get to the point, I question if my palpitations are in fact causes by stress/anxiety.

The reason I question it because I mainly get the palpitations when my heart rate increase...such as when I am taking a shower or cleaning. This has led me to neglect exercising of any sort.

I have gone to the doctor for EKG, heart X-ray, blood test, etc. and the doctor concludes that it was anxiety. He prescribed Xanax and sent me on my way.

I do not have pain or shortness of breath with the palpitations. I also feel fine. It's just as soon as I'm doing something that causes my heart to pump harder, here comes the palps.

So guys, what say you? Can my palps be anxiety related if I mainly experience them when I'm showering and cleaning?

I would really love to exercise, but I am too afraid of my own heart to do so...how pathetic is that?!

08-14-2012, 05:11 PM
Palps aren't only caused by showering or cleaning.. I get them when im just sitting around doing nothing.
You shouldn't be scared, because if the Doctors already did EKG's, heart x-rays, blood tests, and all that good stuff and ruled out the possibility of a health risk, then you should know that you're fine. It's your anxious brain telling you that something's wrong.. I've had 4 EKG's,1 CT scan of my whole chest, and 3 different accounts of blood work. All came out saying I was healthy.. But I still time to time ( and when i say time to time, i mean every day ) Freak out. Its all anxiety. You're mind is extremely powerful. It can produce symptoms by you just thinking about it.. Pretty crazy.

The best people that reply on the forum here are enduronman, dazza, and forwells. If you get an answer from them, and they say you're alright. Trust them. They've all had their fair share with anxiety.

08-14-2012, 05:23 PM
Palpitations can happen at pretty much any time. I had palpitations for a couple months straight a few years back, and they happened ALL THE TIME. Even at rest and while trying to sleep (the first few days of that were horrible). Because I was in the midst of college, I didn't really have the option to stop my daily activities (well, I guess I did, but that wouldn't have gone well). I soon learned that they weren't serious, either. Palpitations rarely are. It's just your heart's way of telling you that something's not right - like every other anxiety symptom you can get.

As Tristanayoubi said, you had all the tests. The doctor said you're okay, so you don't have anything to fear. Exercise would probably be a good thing, in fact. Start with small walks if you don't want to do anything strenuous.

08-14-2012, 05:33 PM
Correct me if im wrong, but palpitations are just your heart producing excess adrenaline. So exercise will actually be helpful

08-14-2012, 05:34 PM
And if you're googling what could be wrong with you, STOP. You're only feeding your anxiety

i dont know
08-14-2012, 05:45 PM
And if you're googling what could be wrong with you, STOP. You're only feeding your anxiety

How do
I post something on here this sight? I need hel

08-14-2012, 05:47 PM
I'm not really using dr. Google...learned my lesson there a couple years ago lol.

I, too, hear that exercising can help with palps and anxiety in general...I'm just SO scared. I think I will take the advice presented here and start out lightly. I'm going to start with a daily half hour walk and then increase from there.

I am more or less just concerned that they happen when I'm increasing my heart rate, but not feeling anxious. However, I am so tired of letting fear consume and dictate my life.

Thank you guys for responding! I am so happy I found this site.

08-14-2012, 05:49 PM
Butterfly. Anxiety gets the better of us all the time.. I'm 15 years old thinking im going to have a heart attack -___-
I'm extremely athletic too! But its just that anxiety that always gets me.. I stopped working out for a couple weeks because i was scared.. But ever since i started exercising again.. Everything feels a lot better.

Welcome to the forum.

08-14-2012, 05:50 PM
@I dont know

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