View Full Version : A weird night...Still can't figure this one out. Not sure of the "purpose".....:)

08-14-2012, 10:45 AM
Hey AF Members,

I received some good news yesterday that I may return to work after nearly 80 days off. I am however, abit guarded and cautious of that fact or clearance. Those are (2) words that I have never even known, heard of, spoken of, nor used in my lifetime. They're new to me. As my Dr. said "you must work with limitations and moderation, or you will suffer the concequences again.". I also never knew those (2) words either. As you can see, I'm in abit of an odd position, I've never been in before in my life. I think maybe you can "see" what I am saying here.

Now, here's the point of this post. I was awoken a couple dozen times lastnight, eyes open and looking around the room. Why? In my sub-concious mind I was being asked a question? It wasn't being done conciously by me. I would awake to answer the question, only to realize that when I awoke..there was no record or memory of what the question even was or pertained too. It would disappear. POOF!..gone.. This is what troubles me today and I will figure out the "purpose" of this trial. I find it extremely frustrating and difficult to answer a question, that I'm not allowed to even see or read. Twilight Zone strikes yet again. Imagine, sitting in a classroom and the teacher is pointing to the chalkboard and aksing you to "Please answer this question!"...but you're looking at a blank chalkboard and said teacher is demading your response.

What do you do?...Do you:
a. Pull Susans hair in front of you?
b. Immediately call 911?
c. Pull the fire alarm?
d. Have a suspicion that the teacher is insane?
e. Yell out the word "FOODFIGHT!"
f. Look around the room at every other student in there and say WTF?
g. Answer the question that isn't even there by saying "purple haze?"
h. Ask the teacher to please repeat the question?
i. Stand up and repeat this quote, "Theres no place like home."
j. Close your eyes and repeat this phrase, "I must be dreaming."
k. Stand up, gather your books, and walk out of the classroom in dismay and disbelief?

Yes, what an odd night..and I'm exhausted! (yawn)

Have a great day friends!

Mr. WTF?....:)