View Full Version : Hot flushed cheeks :/

08-14-2012, 02:14 AM
Does any body else get really hot flushed cheeks when your anxiety is at play?
I've noticed that when my heart is going crazy my cheeks get really red and hot and then I feel nauseas and sometime I am actually sick :/ is this normal?

08-14-2012, 02:29 AM
I don't know about my cheeks, but I tend to heat up a little bit, and get hot .. my stomach does back flips and somersaults and I get a really bad headache ... sometimes I actually start to shake (my hands mainly) and my palms get a little sweaty ..... oh and I can't eat, I loose my appetite at the click of my fingers ....

These things happen to me for the smallest little things , things that shouldn't really worry me ... like now for example, I am having an episode, all because the BF isn't home from work yet , and I don't know where he is ... when I know in my head it shouldn't worry me, because he will be home eventually , but I can't help but worry and get angry that he is out and not me ..... It's stupid , and I withdraw myself from everything ... and just want to cry .......when it's actually quite stupid .....

08-14-2012, 01:35 PM
I get hot cheeks all the time. it's usually when im worrying and thinking alot. That's when my cheeks burn up, other than that it usually goes away when my anxiety and fear goes down :))

08-14-2012, 02:55 PM
I wanna jump in here too..

Yes, hot flush cheeks are related to panic attacks. A couple of suggestions...
1. If you're presently not prescribed medications for "panic attacks and anxiety" then go get some..thats a start.
2. If you take an anti-histamine each day (as they are not predictable like the end of the earth isnt either) then the anti-histamine will help reduce, and or maybe stop the recurrent red flush cheek issues. It is "histamines" that cause the redness, swelling, itchyness, in localized areas anyway. So, block them before it happens.
3. Drink or have a drink of nothing but ice to the top, with water..This will quickly reduce core body temps, and also the hot flash issue as well..It is the ice that will lower it, not the water. Keep an ice cube in your mouth if and when you suddenly experience this episode. It helps quite abit.
4. If you're female, in middle age..then the first test you should have performed is to 'check your hormone levels'...Hormone shortages can also make things far worse for you.
5. If you can't contain yourself, get out of the room, situation, event, whatever..just walk out for some fresh air..
6. There are also some herbal supplements available that are supposedly helpful with this as well. Of which I only recall reading about a few, I'm sure theres more but they are ginseng, black cohosh, licorice root..Maybe another option for you all...

Hope that helps.

Enduronman. :)

08-14-2012, 03:35 PM
Wow thanks guys, very insightful! However just one thing, I tried the ice water thing and it made me sick :/

08-14-2012, 04:19 PM
I found the book that the first 3 suggested herbals came from and also 1 other suggested herbal. Chinese angelica (dang-quai). Quote from book: "Believers swear that it relieves hot flashes."..

May be worth a try..


08-15-2012, 01:22 AM
I think you have a case of SEX FLUSH! lol

A flushing (dilation of vessels in face / ears) caused by dirty thoughts :-)

Probably a side effect of adrenalin from our old friend; fight or flight

08-15-2012, 08:26 AM
Please explain in great detail. JUST KIDDING!! ^^^^^^^^^^LMAO!!!!....


08-15-2012, 04:06 PM
Sex Flush is a recognised reaction I'll have you know... :-)

When excited by the thought of sausage time, both males and (even more so) females often experience a flushing of the face (red cheeks).
This is a side effect of adrenalin and vagus nerve activity.


08-15-2012, 05:25 PM
LMAO @ "Sausage Time".......