View Full Version : Anxiety attack whie exercising

08-13-2012, 11:21 PM
Hello, I just joined this forum. I been having panic disorder for 8 years now. It comes and it goes. Today I went to exercise and got an anxiety attack, has anyone ever got this while exercising?

08-13-2012, 11:56 PM
Hi. I play football regularly and can get anxious/dizzy whilst playing. I dont understand it as Im concentrating on the game and not thinking about stuff but it happens anyway. I think its just a response to increased heart rate.
Ive decided to do some more exercise at home to get myself more accustomed to being out of breath etc. Hopefully this will help.

08-14-2012, 01:14 AM
>I think its just a response to increased heart rate.


You absolutely got it, David.

Remember, anxiety disorder leads to "uncontrollable" and "subliminal" neurotransmitter responses to otherwise normal events and happenings.

Mr Brain has been (wrongly) trained to instantly respond to what he THINKS is a threat and this is often, completely automatic and out of Mr Brains hosts' control.

An increased heart rate can be misconstrued by silly Mr Brain as the onset of a heart attack.
"Holy mother of all things heart attacky" - Mr Brain thinks and so he orders his panic army to attack!

08-14-2012, 01:21 AM
It's a common thing to happen and like Dazza and David said it's not the exercise that is giving you the panic attack but the physical feelings from exercise. Being hot, sweaty, having an increased heart rate and breathing heavily is just like a panic attack so your brain responds to that in the way it is used to (ie- to freak out and act as if you are in a dangerous situation when really you are not). Time to retrain the brain possibly with the help of a therapist.

08-14-2012, 03:52 AM
When I get anxiety after exercising it sometimes happens because I hyperventilate and my subconscious runs away with it.

I start feeling like I can't breathe or get my air in properly and how tragic and ironic it would be to die whilst exercising because I loathe it so much and only do it to alleviate anxiety!!

It's not really anything to worry about. I do notice that I struggle to feel normal for a while after exercise fueled anxiety, but would I use it as an excuse to stop all together? Heck no. It really is much better for me and the endorphin kick makes it all worth it!!

Make sure you keep hydrated and tell someone and tone it down if you feel extra dizzy or faint. As you are prone to anxiety bouts, you'll be extra sensitive to changes I heart rate and breathing. I was doing a half ass job at my work out today and much to my surprise my h/r was at 167!!

08-14-2012, 08:02 AM
Thanks you do much....you guys helped me more than you think, I'm still afraid of this anxiety knowing that it is just anxiety, but joining this I know will ease my anxiety, thank you.

08-14-2012, 09:39 AM
I think it gets easier with time. But for a while you'll be dreading exercising and before you know it the fears turn into pains whilst you're exercising. It's happening with me everyday I cycle for an hour. But it's good to release all the excess adrenaline and just generally promote a healthier lifestyle. I hear it can take several months before it fully subsides. But everyone it different. All I know is that it's scary. But after the pains and such have subsided and i've had a hot shower I do feel better for having exercised.


08-14-2012, 10:07 PM
Thank you Ed. I am getting feelful of heading to the gym now but I want to beat this and I want to work out to feel healthy. Thanks everyone for your comments. Feeling very good.

08-14-2012, 10:08 PM
I meant fearfully. Sorry

08-16-2012, 04:21 AM

If you're anything like me, then the anxiety will creep up on you. When I'm dreading an attack it never comes and when I don't expect it, that sneaky anxiety gets me!!

Be brave you can totally do it! Anxiety be damned!

08-25-2012, 03:11 PM
I get exercise anxiety as well. It is a partner to my heart health anxiety. I actually came in jut now from mowing grass with a push power mower for 60 minutes!!! Feel afraid! You better believe it but at the same time I feel a sense of accomplishment. It just stinks because my DR says I can exercise all I want but I still get fearful. :( Take care all.

08-25-2012, 06:58 PM
My psychiatrist told me a few years ago that while some people end up having anxiety attacks due to physical exercise, most people do not get panic attacks due to exercise and that most people are actually less likely to be nervous and/or have panic attacks if they get regular exercise.