View Full Version : I feel like im about to die!

08-13-2012, 06:33 PM
Help people. Is this just anxiety? I feel confused, I'm having disturbed and disrupted thoughts, I feel numb, dizzy, my breathing is really light and I'm not breathing much, feel sick, feel weak, shaky, floaty and I feel really funny overall. I'm not panicking at all so it's not a panic attack, It just started when I was lying in bed. I can't sleep because of my disturbed random thoughts. This just randomly came on out of the blue. I'm keeping as calm as possible, but what's wrong with me?

08-13-2012, 06:54 PM
I have felt this many times all through out the day sometimes try try try to focus on something else. Reading a movie something. I hate them feelings hope you feel better

08-13-2012, 07:20 PM
I have also experienced these feelings quite frequently as well. You won't die, i never have ;).
It's uncomfortable and its not very enjoyable but it's just a feeling, don't fear it. Get out and try to have a good time to take your mind off it and feel like yourself again. Have a good laugh, that can really work sometimes.

08-14-2012, 01:38 PM
I experience this usually everyday, its the worst when I think about it.. Does anyone have muscle twitches??? I keep getting muscle twitches under my left leg.. its not causing any pain but its just annoying.

08-14-2012, 02:56 PM
This is anxiety- I used to get panic attacks then they stopped and now I get all the symptoms you discribed- with no panic attacks- I don't quite know what's worse- thing is when your trying to remain calm it still doesn't stop - I think it's because your thinking ive got to stay calm- I need to stop feeling like this- so really your still tense- do u have caffeine? I noticed when I stopped caffeine it calmed down quite a lot- might be worth a thought

08-14-2012, 07:19 PM
Did you die yet? If not....anxiety. If so well.....you won't be reading this. My mother in law is my safe person when it comes to my anxiety episodes. And your post reminds me of when I thought I was having a stroke! I told my mother in law about it and she tells me to go lay on the bathroom floor and when my stroke is over with to come on our and eat dinner! I know right??? Mean but funny and...... I'm not dead!

ok sooner girl
08-14-2012, 07:50 PM
Same here. I had a panic attack before leaving home today. I took a Xanax .5 mg and 10 mins later it was all gone. I'm currently taking paxil again after being off for over a year. I'm taking the Xanax until it kicks in.
