View Full Version : Anxiety one way or another..

08-13-2012, 04:22 PM
Seriously frustrated as usual today my anxiety is back.. Let me start by saying i am almost 30 live with my,parents again after a bad relationship/engagement . My daughter is one an to some i can still be classified as post partum. But to get to the point., i have gad and panic. I am taking zoloft an xanax for emergencies. Lately ive been taking zyrtec because of an itchy nose.. I know it sounds so dumb but it drives me crazy.. Lately i feel itchy like crawling skin feeling.. Of course i googled zoloft and itching.. And found out it could be not so good side effect . But i feel like zoloft just now started working. So i really dont want to switch.. Anyone else have this? I also had a bug bite looking bump or two pop up. Im convinced im allergic an my throat is next or i have bed bugs. Either way its scary s&$@

08-13-2012, 06:02 PM
Your bumps in conjunction with an itchy nose might suggest you have an allergy or mild skin condition.

Probably just a mosquito bite? or indeed could be bed bugs (strip your bed and check!?)
Itchy nose is usually a symptom of the common cold.

If after 2 or 3 days the symptoms persist then go see a doctor, just to be cautious.

08-13-2012, 06:23 PM
I dont have insurance nor do i have a job at the moment. I clearly do not have an emergency an so all i can do is repeat that to myself over and over. As you see i am still here. I just wish i could.seripusly stop.analyzing everything about.myself. Its always me me me. Am i selfish?

08-13-2012, 09:50 PM
Hey Ivanas,

Hmm,..stressful conditions, environmental stresses, failed relationship stress/concern/unanswered questions/no resolve/who did what/who blames who/probably keep over-thinking the result/over and over/reliving the event/even though its in the past and can not be changed/..not sure I understand the daughter remark?..

1. Obviously a life altering and traumatic event.
2. Living with parents..Made note of your age, which says you feel embarassed, like you failed, moved away from one stress trigger and right into another, maybe thinking yer parents are judging you daily, maybe feel like you've placed an unfair burden upon your parents.
3. Not in full understanding of the "post partum" comment...Ok, just got it..Your child is 1 year old, explains "post partum" comment..Got it.
4. Diagnosed with GAD, and panic disorder.. Presently taking zoloft and xanax to treat..
5. Zyrtec for itchy nose..Mention "itchy skin"..red bumps...(zyrtec is the newest class of anti-hisatamines, it targets specific areas to relieve "allergic reactions" of people that have "seasonal environmental allergies" of the nose, throat, eyes..) This anti-histamine isnt going to relieve "itchy" anything in other areas..
6. Nothing sounds dumb, it is what you feel..its ok to mention what you feel, you're not being judged here.
7. Have thoughts and worry about physical health. making assumptions, presumptions, speculations..thinking something is going to happen...
8. Dont have insurance.,dont have a job...
9. Self-analyzing yourself constantly.. Selfish?..No, you're just not sure where else to focus your thoughts, because you're blaming yourself for all of the above mentioned things that you listed. Which in turn, increases the anxiety itself, increases the stress daily, and is causing this worry like something is going to happen,,that isnt.

Ok, a huge pile of mis-fires, misfortunate events, misunderstandings, miscommunications, that hurled you and your little girl into another possibly stressful environment and situation that was beyond your control. You had no other choice. Not what you wished nor wanted to do, but the fact that you were forced into something uncomfortable makes it even more overwhelming to you. You cant, nor will your depression, panic, anxiety, let you even look beyond what you perceive as being the master-mind behind this whole great big calamity. You sit there and kick yourself around to a point of seeing no way out. All of those disorders arent allowing you too and they're feeding off of what you're feeding it..Self-pity, self-loathing, self-incriminating, self-judgement, self-suppressing, self-centering all of your energy to yourself to kick the s**t outta yourself to near a point of self-destructing...The fuse is already lit and burning slowly and is allowing you enough time to put it out, just gotta find the fuse. I know where this fuse is, and so do you..It must be removed, asap.

You're not to blame for this heaping pile of crap that this world has sat upon your lap. You have to believe that, and also stop trying to figure out what went wrong..because you will never, ever, find this answer as it isnt even there to find. I can not explain why, although I know why you wont ever be offered the exact answer. Thats a way more complicated explanation to type, there isnt enough room on this entire site for me to put it..and even if I did it would look like I typed it in Chinese to others. You can not change anything that has already happened in the past, so quit thinking that you can. No one can. You are to just retain the basics of the learning experience, discard the useless info, and never repeat the same mistake twice..That's the theory. You've been gifted with and given a blessing of life with your 1 year old daughter, your offspring, your blood, your genetics, created by you,..she needs you to be there for her especially now. In both a strong mental capacity, and a strong physical capacity too..

Discard, disconnect, deactivate, detach, destroy, disengage, depart from all the drama..Remove it from your mind. Let it go. Forget it all...It was all just trial and error, which none of us can ever stop doing anyway. Life will provide you, me and everyone else on the planet with more then we want..We will all make errors, its part of being human.. It just sometimes hurts to learn..

There are places, facilities, clinics, everywhere, in every town, city, or state that provides low or no cost healthcare..Find one.. Make an appointment, with no job then registration is easy..Get in to see someone before your mind causes an effect and an aftermath that none of your family should need to bare witness too..

Your last question was: "Am I selfish?"....well, you will answer that question yourself and it all depends on what you do with these suggestions...

Your choice.

Best wishes.


08-16-2012, 10:03 AM
E man your really good at this... Basically hit all my problems on the,head thanks! I was wondering when u would respond to one of my posts!

08-16-2012, 11:09 AM
Dear Ivanas 757 (awesome flying machine BTW!),

Good at this?..I have NO margin for error error error...Wait, I'm in control now. LOL! Also, I've spent my entire life HITTING THINGS, PEOPLE, WHATEVER, on the head..now I get to hit them all (in stealth) HAHA! BOO! They can't even "see" me..Nor I them... OK,..enough brain-teaseing, mind-bending, yadda bla stuff...You do realize I could type all sorts of things right now to make you laugh so hard that you'd have to leave wherever you are because everyone would be wondering if you just suddenly "snapped?"...I won't..Another time.

Where is this special post I am to read!??!.....

Just point me in that direction,..I'm sure I've already "lived through" whatever it is that you've typed..

Have a great day Ivanas 757!
