View Full Version : Gay marriage... Whats your view?

08-13-2012, 10:32 AM
First, let me ask for only RESPECTFUL responses on this issue. It's ok to have your opinion, either way, but please be respectful to others when responding about this issue.
I Have a gay Mother. She's been in a relationship w a woman for 36 yrs. they have no desire to "officially" get married, but my Mom IS a Christian and believes that Jesus is her savior.... My concern is her eternity. I'm a Christian too and I've battled this in my mind for years! I know that God is merciful and that Jesus died for our sins, but he did not come to abolish the "law" (old testiment). My mom hasnt been the best mom in the world, but she is my mom and I love her very much and I can't stand the thought of her not going to Heaven! Any insight on this would be appreciated.

jon mike
08-13-2012, 01:38 PM
In my opinion, The world is torn apart by religion, I believe that love is love. Love is what brings people together not religion. If I believed in god, it would be because he thought the same way.

08-13-2012, 02:20 PM
I totally respect your belief in god but in my opinion a perfect creator cannot make an imperfect thing. Why? Becauee if god is perfect he doew not know any wrong. God did not write the bible, his fallowers did. Now, im not saying that these fallowers are wrong or bad in any way but they all have morals and ideas of what is right and wrong, so if they didntthink that was right they could easliy just put it in there. Gay relationships werent accepted then but they are now. I fully believe that if someone is gay or bisexual they are usually born with it. That meansthat god made them that way because there was no time for a satan to get to them and temp them. I'm bisexual and I've felt it sice i was little. I always knew it. Maybe your mom did too. I believethat a higher power will acceptme for what i am because this thing, it isnt my fault. Its just how i feel, how your mom feels. And if this higher power doesnt accept me into a heavan because i simply love someone of the same gender, then i dont think that thats someone id like to be with for eternity. Your mom sounds likean amazing woman,cbetter than a lot of people and i totallyrespect her and im positivethat god has a amazing special spot for her with him. Im sure of it. :)

08-13-2012, 04:23 PM

I'm of a strong, non-reversable belief that same sex relationships, let alone marriage is... well, just weird really (sorry).
I accept it only on the grounds that I have no choice and to be politically correct - but that's all.

Same sex couples are, in my opinion, going completely against the biological & normal grain of life's fundamentals... and I think that this will have serious consequences on the human race at some point in time.
I won't be around to sweep up the mess, so it shouldn't really bother me...

The trouble is, the more freedom we're given, the weirder things are gonna get. Where will it end? I mean... I believe people are even attempting to marry their pets these days?

Perhaps this is education gone seriously wrong. Perhaps we should try to claw our way back to basics...

08-13-2012, 04:45 PM
I am also a Christian and totally demise the thought of gay marriage only because it is written in the good book not to have same sex encounters or what not. But in the same sense even though she is sinning, she is washed clean by the blood of Christ! It is written that God sees sin as sin, there is no worse sin, you could tell a white lie and God sees it the same as someone who has murdered! So to say she has lost her place in heaven because she has sinned is to say every Christian has lost their spot in heaven because of their sins!

08-13-2012, 05:00 PM
Thanks for your feedback everyone... Joshbagosh, I especially like your opinion, but maybe b/c it makes me "feel" better about my Moms choice? Either way, thanks everyone... Peace & love!

08-13-2012, 05:18 PM
Just remember that it is written! How can you deny Gods word! I will look up the verses tonight and post later!

08-13-2012, 06:21 PM
The last time I saw two blokes kissing openly in the street, I found myself wincing and turning my head the other way.
Much like the reaction to when some fresh, messy road-kill passes me on the road.

Ya know... like, "uuurrrrrr..", "ooooh god", "aahhhhhh", "oooooogghhh", "eeeeeeesh", "bllluurrrrrrrrr", "nooooo wayyyy"

Just couldn't look...

08-14-2012, 04:05 AM
What an interesting thread!!!

I come from a very open background, growing up in the UK then moving to Aus - I was really upset when I moved here and everyone was so... White. My Dad is half Indian and my Mum has taught me never to discriminate against people unless they discriminate against others.

Which is why I am 100% FOR gay marriage. Hell us heteros have been f*cking it up for long enough!! I have a lot of gay friends and I would LOVE for them to have equal rights to myself. Homosexuality occurs in thousands of species in nature, it's as old a trend as males and females pairing up and getting hitched.

Personally I have my reservations about marriage itself right now. I don't believe that humans are innately monogamous.
Anyway, if you don't support gay marriage, don't worry - I won't hate - as long as you aren't overtly homophobic!

08-14-2012, 05:57 AM
I say to each their own live n let live I guess everyone has the right to live their lives

08-14-2012, 06:43 AM
I don't really see a point to marriage in general. I also think gay and lesbian is a reproductive and evolutionary cul de sac. But that's just my opinion. People are free to do as they please.


08-14-2012, 10:29 AM
Marriage is just making things official basically and it costing money, When i get a girlfriend and we are in it for a while i will still see not that much of a rush to propose to her maybe when things are financially stable etc.

I support both sides 100% despite being straight. I dress a bit eccentric for a straight person but it's what i feel comfortable in and i have no problems if i am perceived as liking guys, They can think what they want but they don't know the truth of things.

08-14-2012, 09:21 PM
First, I feel the need to repeat myself in reference to my initial thread. I asked for you guys to respond respectfully about your views/opinions of eternity (from a Christian standpoint) for people who have chosen a gay lifestyle. I'm not talking about experimental bisexual or gay sex, as that is equal to premarital sex between heterosexual people... BOTH are equally sinful in the old testament. I'm referring to a monogamous gay RELATIONSHIP and the eternal fate of those who chose this. My Mother has been living with the same person (woman) for 36 years... They do everything that a heterosexual couple does (go to work, pay taxes, go to grocery store, exercise, watch TV, get together with family during the holidays, do good deeds for others, etc). As they are 64 and 65 yrs old, and have been together for 36 yrs, id doubt very seriously that they engage in sexual activity anymore... But who knows? They have NEVER been the type to hold hands or kiss in public b/c they never wanted to be judged by others simply based off of their choice in life partners. So my question was, and still is, do you think that my Mom will not get into Heaven due to the fact that the person she fell in love with, and chose to be faithful to here on Earth was a woman? I mean, several married couples chose to use birth control, which means that they have sex for "fun" only and not to reproduce.... Same thing gay couples do.
Joshbagosh; "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" John 8:7
Dazza: I completely agree w you about not being able to "look at" two men kissing on the street".. Who told you to look? I can't look at ANYONE making out disrespectfully on the street.. Get a freaking room! Not classy at all (public displays of affection, and your response)
Forwells: love your last sentence... Hilarious!
Ragamuffin: "reproduction and evolutionary cul de sac"... Thank goodness YOU'RE not using birth control, that would put you on the same level as gays.. interfering w reproduction. Also, there are enough heterosexual people over populating the earth, I think we're good there?
I'm just saying...
I hope to see my Mother in Heaven, and the more i think of it, as I am not without sin, I hope SHE sees ME there as well.

08-15-2012, 08:48 AM
Whatif, your last post floored me.

I cannot believe that you would put a post on this Site asking for PERSONAL opinions on a matter that is in many circles hotly contested, then you go on to speak of how Christian you are, etc..

Then once you get answers you feel the need to respond and bash those who have provided their opinion that you requested?

Things like this are the reason I am not a student of organized religion. I am religious, spiritual and so on, but I do not and will not go to churches. The reason is contained in this post, someone says they can't watch two men kissing, you call them low class, someone says they don't support gays because they don't reproduce and you call them equal to that IF they use birth control.

Finally you must put in that anyone who has pre marital intercourse is dammed as the gays? Cmon, you really need to loosen this up, there in my opinion is no more hypocritical being on this earth than an avid church goer.

I didn't mean to offend, and I didn't even want to get into this debate because my view of homosexuality is not favorable, however when I see you bashing on those people of this Site who are here to help others of their own accord, I cannot sit by and watch that without offering my opinion as well.

I'm sure you will respond that I am going to hell, as well as many others on this board, if that be the case, then once your judgement condemns you I shall see you there.

08-15-2012, 07:44 PM
First, I feel the need to repeat myself in reference to my initial thread. I asked for you guys to respond respectfully about your views/opinions of eternity (from a Christian standpoint) for people who have chosen a gay lifestyle. I'm not talking about experimental bisexual or gay sex, as that is equal to premarital sex between heterosexual people... BOTH are equally sinful in the old testament. I'm referring to a monogamous gay RELATIONSHIP and the eternal fate of those who chose this. My Mother has been living with the same person (woman) for 36 years... They do everything that a heterosexual couple does (go to work, pay taxes, go to grocery store, exercise, watch TV, get together with family during the holidays, do good deeds for others, etc). As they are 64 and 65 yrs old, and have been together for 36 yrs, id doubt very seriously that they engage in sexual activity anymore... But who knows? They have NEVER been the type to hold hands or kiss in public b/c they never wanted to be judged by others simply based off of their choice in life partners. So my question was, and still is, do you think that my Mom will not get into Heaven due to the fact that the person she fell in love with, and chose to be faithful to here on Earth was a woman? I mean, several married couples chose to use birth control, which means that they have sex for "fun" only and not to reproduce.... Same thing gay couples do.
Joshbagosh; "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" John 8:7
Dazza: I completely agree w you about not being able to "look at" two men kissing on the street".. Who told you to look? I can't look at ANYONE making out disrespectfully on the street.. Get a freaking room! Not classy at all (public displays of affection, and your response)
Forwells: love your last sentence... Hilarious!
Ragamuffin: "reproduction and evolutionary cul de sac"... Thank goodness YOU'RE not using birth control, that would put you on the same level as gays.. interfering w reproduction. Also, there are enough heterosexual people over populating the earth, I think we're good there?
I'm just saying...
I hope to see my Mother in Heaven, and the more i think of it, as I am not without sin, I hope SHE sees ME there as well.

This whole response is regoddamndiculous. We cannot tell you if your mother is going to heaven. I personally think if you are a good person and are kind you would probably end up there. I think it has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation, the use of birth control/or not. I also believe that you are a ridiculous person with views wayyyy out there. I'm on brth control, am I going to hell? I have sex with my boyfriend because we share a deep connection and it feels fantastic! you think gays have sex just for fuN? I think they do it because they are human and its what we do. Also who gives a crap if two people kiss in public. I think there is nothing wrong with that at all. Definitely not "classless" as you say. If I am going to hell for having pre marital sex, bring it on. Are you one of those people who thinks that "god will save you if you repent"? Bull! Child molesters and murderers are saved if they confess there sins? If they are going to heaven I would rather be in hell for having sex. I'm not religious. I will not live my life according to a big story book AKA The Bible. I have more to say but I don't want to offend anyone if i haven't already. UGH I really dislike these outrageous views.

08-15-2012, 09:03 PM
Chillphil, do just that, chill. You ibviously misread my last post and didn't read the 1st post very well either. I did not BASH anyone my dear, I simply stated facts... It is written that Sin is Sin, that's not MY words love, it's His. I asked for respectful responses to Christian's beliefs (based off of their own knowledge from past teachings, or current research) about gays entering into Heaven. I completely understand and RESPECT each persons personal opinion about their "feelings" about homosexuality... But that's not what I was asking for (personal feelings). As I'm plagues with worrying about my Mothers eternity, I'd hoped to hear from someone with Biblical/Christian knowledge that could give me facts/verses in the Bible that would help me come to "grips" with this very sensitive subject. I did get a bit upset when I read Dazza's response, but not b/c of his feelings towards gays, or the fact that he is repulsed by seeing 2en kissing in public, but b/c his choice of expressing that feeling was indeed, not classy....(read it again... Lots of over doing the "Ewww" "Ohhhh", etc.

08-15-2012, 09:35 PM
Missmac666: wow, calm down lady. Did you even read the posts I was responding to? If you did then you'd see that I was DEFENDING the men kissing by stating that they are NO different than Heterosexual ppl kissing in public (I don't care to see that sort of thing but it's not b/c I think it's anti-religious...Injust don't care to see 2 people making out... Sweet loving pecks is nice to see, but swapping spit and eating tongue in public, is yes, not classy!!). Also, I wrote about using birth control as a response to another persons post that gay couples were wrong b/c they werent able to procreate (hellooo, if youre taking birth control you cant procreate either!) I was simply trying to point out that if you oppose gay relationships, that's fine, but don't try to back up your opinion with stupid facts that can swing back around and bite you in the ass! FYI, I had premarital sex, lived w my boyfriend b4 marrying him, use birth control, and a whole list of things that can be considered immoral by some... I mentioned those things simply to say, as it states in the Bible, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone". Meaning, unless you are completely sin free, who are you to judge?
Ps. As for your murderer comment... A murderer can't get into Heaven by simply asking for forgiveness... He must truly repent and be more than remorseful for his actions... Only God knows if that murderer is just saying the words to avoid Hell, or if he is sincere.... I would think that a murderer prob wouldn't be sincere (as he's a freaking MURDERER) with his request for forgiveness, therefore you prob won't be living next door to him in Heaven. My God, you really need to read b4 you respond ma'am. You're trying to search for a battle that's not here....

08-15-2012, 11:33 PM
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. (Leviticus 18:22 KJV). If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. (Leviticus 20:13 KJV). Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. (Romans 1:24-32 KJV). Jesus Christ is the answer!!!!!

08-15-2012, 11:34 PM
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23 KJV)

08-16-2012, 01:20 AM
Don't believe in all that silly heaven and hell business (although I make references to them as an everyday "thing to say") so this has absolutely no relevence to me or this topic whatsoever.

"Thou shalt be hung by their left testicle if thou shalt partake in packing fudge"

Bleat as many of these versus as you like... they're just something some long-beared, verbose eccentric made up. A book of rules with an embelished story behind it.


IMO, of course.

"Thou (woman) shalt be dunked in Pepsi-Cola and thrown into a wasps nest should thou munch on the furry rug"

08-16-2012, 07:08 AM
Well dazza you and a lot of other people are in for a rude of awakening if you guys don't change ya'lls ways before the coming of Jesus Christ! And whosoever will not receive you, (Jesus Christ) when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them. (Luke 9:5 KJV)

08-16-2012, 09:20 AM
Well said aramsey!!
It's so sad to see the responses here that go against God!
As far as the mom in the original question...I believe she can go to heaven, but only if she asks for forgiveness and turns from sin. Just because she's with only one person doesn't mean its fine, its very wrong. And mentioned several times in the Bible. I feel sorry for those who do not see this!
God didn't create this! But He does give free will. So if a person chooses sin, God will let them make that choice. Doesn't mean He likes or accepts it.

08-16-2012, 10:12 AM
I'm a straight catholic male.

While the religion I believe in is against it, there is a little something called "Separation of Church and State" and "Freedom of Religion". The definition of "marriage" is different in my point of view than others, and that's perfectly OK.

To the OP, I wouldn't worry about your mother at all. Remember, God created man, as per the bible. Homosexuality is genetic.

08-16-2012, 11:05 AM
Jaug and Stacie: thank you so much for your posts.. Both were very enlightening to me and helpful. Have a wonderful day :)

08-16-2012, 11:07 AM
Forwells: thanks for your post as well ;)

08-16-2012, 05:07 PM
I believe that honestly God created imperfections in people, such as being bisexual and gay, to test his people on judging. God says love thy neighbor and enemy. So I believe we should except all peoples imperfections. If it be a gay person or a murderer. And if my theory is correct then she will go to heaven but she needs to turn to God.

I wish I could say more.

Me me oh me I am bisexual. I have had sexual encounters with both male and female. I have taken birth control. I have had sex before marriage . Right now I am in a relationship that's been goin for 2 years. But I believe in the all mighty God and follow him. I pray every night that I love God and pray for forgiveness. I am not saying this will take me to heaven and I am not sure if I will even make it there.

One thing that really made me emotional was insane clown posse. I am a fan. And if anyone doesn't know who they are look them up. You would have never of guessed what type of people they are. If you listen to one song you would be like what the fuck is this shit! But I advise not to listen to "the unveiling " by ICP. Very interesting.

D you have almost hit me in a spot that will be very bad if it is hit. Oh my oh my. But I gotta say you've made me laugh. And all I can do is forgive you. I hope your ways change

08-16-2012, 05:09 PM
I meant I advise you to please listen to the unveiling

08-16-2012, 05:50 PM
And by the way I know the icp thing was off topic but I thought some would be interested with it

08-18-2012, 09:08 AM
I really should not have even read this thread. It chagned from gay marriage to complete religion focused thread. I can not agree with the outrageous views of Christians an their large story book. Sorry kids, I'm here to talk about anxiety, not religion or anyones views on the subject. Sorry for putting my two cents in.

08-18-2012, 01:18 PM
Interesting thread for an anxiety forum. I am a bit surprised. I have a friend who is now a former member of this forum who left because they felt like they couldn't freely express their views.

08-18-2012, 01:37 PM
This is causing you anxiety? If so, I am sorry. I too have anxiety related to choices some of my family members have made. I am not here to judge. However, none of us can control others only ourselves and that is hard enough. As far as if she will go to heaven I don't know, you say she is a Christian but in all honesty her lifestyle is not consistent with Christianity regardless of your particular views. The Bible that Christians claim to follow is pretty clear on that issue. It would be like an atheist going to church regularly and then trying to hang on to bring an atheist it is not consistent with what they claim or practice. Take care.