View Full Version : New here looking for people to talk to about anxiety. :)

08-13-2012, 09:20 AM
I've felt like this since I've been little. It started off with me being afraid of thunderstorms and wind. And it got worse, I was sleeping on the couch almost everynight because I couldn't stay in my room, I was too afraid. Ofthe dark, of noises, of everything. I got older and my friends did too, causing them to start picking on me and ignoring me. Icwas too afraid to talk so i just got left behind. They forgot about me, it was like i wasnt even there. It all got better when I met my bestfriend. She made social situations better for me. But by doing that I think it made my anxiety worse. She talked for me. She knew what I was going to say so she said it for me, and I was alright with that. I liked it. It kept me away from it all. And over the years its gotten worse. It sounds stupid but sometimes I feel like my throat is closing off. I know its not but it feels like it and it freaks me out. Its been happening at least 3 times a week. I dont know what to do. I worry about everything. If I haven't talked to my friend in more than 3 hours i freak out i have to call her and know whats going on. Icdont want to constrict her but i cant help it. People think I'm weird because of it. I cant sleep at nightbecause im afraid of everything. Im in hight school and i cant stay home alone because it scares me so much. Im not sure what to do about it anymore.

08-13-2012, 09:36 AM
Old here and always talking to people about anxiety. :)


08-13-2012, 10:36 PM
I think that if you want support, you have come to the right place.

08-15-2012, 01:35 PM
If u ever need someone to talk to I'm here I don't know how much I can help but I will try